It occurs to me that I have not shared my most recent bee blocks with you all. Don’t you feel deprived? Of course, you do! So in no particular order…here’s some of the little sewing that I’ve managed to do lately.
For Pretty in Pink, Karie wanted pinwheels. She was very specific about her requests and had the fabrics neatly organized in their own pre-printed envelopes. LOL. It’s nice to find a kindred soul organization-wise. I believe that we were using Bliss…but I’m not totally sure on that.
For Bee Modern Too, Alexia asked us to do something unusual for our bee which was to use our own stash. (although we may be getting a fabulous scrap bag from her…) She wanted shades of grey and white in solids and prints done in basically a free-form log cabin. Very loose requirements. I think that I may have made the blocks too small, but given the nature of them, she can slap on a piece of fabric and you’d never know. 😉 I actually had a fair number of scraps to use so it was no problem to put these together. And of course, I promptly fell in love with this “colorless” color scheme!
and no, these pictures are not in black and white. This is what you get when you photograph a grey and white block on a grey background. LOL.
And for our first month of the VIBees, Cherie sent us lovely Modern Meadow 2 to work with and we created picture window blocks for her. Maddeningly, I diligently designed this block and meticulously cut everything to size…sewed it all together…only to find that it was a bit short on one end. Grr… I sent it off to Cherie regardless with the promise of a new block if she thought that one would not work.
I loved her response. I needed to have an extra cocktail and relax. (sounds like my husband LOL). So I let my perfectionism go.
I’m still waiting on the fabric for one of my bees for January but I do have the fabric for February already for one of them and I think VIBees is doubling up this February too…so those will soon be here. So when that comes, I’ll have more to share on the bee front. In the meantime, I have a number of quilts that need to be worked on…that very pink one and that doll quilt come to mind. 😉
Love your Bee blocks!!
I love the doggies in Alexia's block – great little touch!
Oh my – grey and white blocks! I'm glad it wasn't me cos even though I have an extensive stash I have very little grey! Might be an excuse to buy some, if I wasn't on that darned diet!!!
I ADORE the little tennsy tiny red ball in the "colorless" blocks! I am just starting on my journey of quilting and love seeing all the amazing things you do! It makes me smile!
I sure hope you get to feeling better, it is not fun being sick!