The Bee Modern Swap is coming to a close…just one more month left. It’s been bitter sweet filled with fabulous fabrics and interesting ideas, but lots of lost members for who knows what reason. I don’t want to judge, I’m sure that they have very good reasons for not being around anymore. It’s just that no one said goodbye. They just sort of dropped off the face of the group. So now that we’re near the end, we started with 15 people and I think we have 8 left. My month was towards the middle of the swap, so I only missed out from two people I think. But now, the poor ladies at the end don’t have as many people to make blocks for them. So I’m going to do my best help make up for that. Stephanie made it easy this month by asking for log cabin style blocks and sending a ton of delicious fabric strips. I had a great sewing day and my little one cooperated long enough for me to finish five blocks Stephanie. And darn if I didn’t enjoy every last one of them.
Stephanie posted 4 different blocks as inspirations and I wanted to make her one in each style and then see what I had left and make some more. I thought I might have to add some fabric, but I only added one strip to one block! That’s how much she sent!
The first one I made is a modified bento box quilt. I want to have one of my bees do bento box blocks for me, so this was good to see if it would be too difficult. I don’t think that it will!
Then I made a scrappy but fairly traditional log cabin block…this one might have been my favorite. I just flew right through it.
Next I made this block of four smaller log cabins and put them together. It was fun to make…similar concept as the bento box but a completely different look!
A detail shot
She had sent along these wonderful fabrics with grey and citron and I set them aside so I could put them together in one block. Then I realized that I needed an accent color…and the pale blue was just perfect.
The last block I put together with all the scraps I had left. I had set aside some black polka dots for this block and used them as thin separators for odd sized log cabins. I was inspired by a block someone made for me for my month when I asked for log cabin style blocks…although the one I made was much more scrappy.
So many pretty blocks! I just love the yellow and white stripe fabric in these! Must find it!
And all together!!
They were all begging to be photographed with the flowers, but I only had the patience to do one.
I’m still working away on my paint box quilt. I cut the strips for the sashing for the top. I still don’t have my layout all figured out yet though. I tried laying it out once and I felt that you lost the multi colored aspect of it. So I’m going to try another layout after I piece some of the sashing on the blocks.
And I got this month’s pretty in pink fabric and it’s sooo cute and fun! Ironically she too wants wonky log cabins…so I should be able to whip those out pretty quickly. I’m quite familiar with the technique right now. LOL.
That was so sweet of you to make her so many!! Those drop-outs are so tough – especially when they don't ever respond or let anyone know!
Angela, you are a dream! I loved reading about your process making these and I am so glad that you had such a fun time making them. Plus, they are stunning. Each one of them! I'm really looking forward to putting them all together in a big quilt just for me 🙂
This is what good participants are all about – pulling together at the end and making sure that everyone left in the bee has had a positive experience. Well done to you Angela for making so many beautiful blocks!
Margaret has a bento box pattern on her blog Quilts of Love Fri., June 25,2010 called Strip-Pieced Bento Box Quilt Pattern. It uses 2 1/2" strips and is made with strips sets (2 fabrics) with the background color. Super easy. I made one using black Kona for the background and bright batiks. It was for my older son and his new wife for their wedding quilt in July. It is really beautiful and they love it. Have to get cracking on the pillow shams now. I thought about doing a double wedding ring and found Kaelin's quilt along but I chickened out after trying it out with scraps. I really wanted this to turn out well and didn't think I was ready for the DWR. Enjoying your blog. N