Well I’ve been showing you sneak peaks of one of my projects for my partner in the savvy seasons swap over at flickr…and I’m finally ready to show you the finished product. In fact it’s all wrapped up and ready to mail today!
A couple of you guessed, but all those wonky star blocks I made with Kate Spain’s Christmas panel have turned into Christmas Tree Pants!
I’m not sure who coined that phrase “Christmas Tree Pants” but all it means is a square Christmas tree skirt. I can’t decide if I hate the name or love it. So I’m trying to use it and see how I feel. 😉 I’m weird like that. It’s like the word “Mug Rug”. That one makes me cringe! lol
Anyway…back to the pants.
It is essentially a small quilt when all is said and done with a hole in the middle and ties along the edges to hold the open flaps together. I’m pretty proud of this for a number of reasons. I used ALL fabric and batting from my stash! Woohoo! Nothing new was purchased. I love that! And I really tried to use some things that had been hanging around for a while…even better. The binding fabric and ties were fabrics that I was actually pulling out of my stash to hide away because they were annoying me (yes, sometimes my fabrics annoy me). But as soon as I had them out, I realized that they were actually perfect for this. I had found just the right project for them! And they look great!
The backing is a large piece of DS County Fair Home Dec fabric that I got super cheap at one point and have had sitting around. Again, this was perfect. It brings out just enough of the blue accents from the front, but it is also heavy weight and great for draping around a tree. It will hold up well!
That center stripe fabric definitely took me the longest to pick out. I tried out multiple options and I wasn’t even going to put this one up on the design wall to check it out…but nothing else was working for me and so I pulled this on the off chance that it would. Well, I should have known. The stripe is also designed by Kate Spain. And though it is not the for the 12 days of Christmas line, designers often use a similar color scheme between collections due to their own personal aesthetic. There are times when that is frustrating. But here is a case where it worked well for me! And I also know that I got that stripe super cheap at my local quilt store earlier this year…so again, score!
So this tree skirt seems oddly frugal to me. Every piece of fabric in it was either given to me or bought at a deep discount. And the result in no way looks like I was trying to be cheap. I love that! I feel like it really carries the history of what so much quilting originally was…using what you had on hand and making it something beautiful and to be treasured.
I did a simple meander quilting pattern over the skirt and that was a bit harder than normal simply due to the weight of the backing. But thankfully this wasn’t a full sized quilt and I plowed my way through it fairly quickly. Once again, I always have to remind myself with free motion quilting that it is not about how any one spot on the quilt looks, it is just about the whole look when you step back. That little loop that didn’t turn out just the way you wanted it to disappears in the setting of the quilt in its entirety.
In the interest of full disclosure, let me tell you that I totally mussed up the inner corner bindings on the open square in the middle. I should have looked up how to do it (I have now!)but instead I tried to wing it thinking I could figure it out. Um yeah. Not so much. So I apologize to my partner for those shoddy corners…they’re not going anywhere but they’re not so pretty. I tried a different method on every corner and not one of them worked well. lol And this is when it is a great idea to use a busy print for your binding that hides any mistakes and make mistakes on the part that no will really see because it will be hiding under the tree next to the trunk!
So, the items are all wrapped up and ready to be sent to ??? who lives in ???. She will be getting an Emmeline apron, some ornaments, and the Christmas tree pants.
And I’ll admit that this was all a lot of work and the swaps have been keeping me from my own sewing…so I decided to step back from swaps for a bit. But I wanted to go out with a bang and what better swap is there than a Christmas one?! So a very merry Christmas to my partner. Enjoy!
I like it! Thanks for sharing
Wow. This is so super cute! I'm glad I have the same panel. Um, can I totally copy your design? It's awesome, Angela! Lucky partner–what a lot of Christmas goodies she will be receiving!
Yes, that sure does look like a bunch of work, but – oh – would I be happy to receive it! The "pants" are lovely, Ang. Now, go and sew yourself some 😉
They all look so good you did such a great job. I will have to remember if I'm ever attempting inside corner binding to look it up I would have done the same thing you did.
Was it Monica at Happy Zombie that came up with Christmas Tree pants?
I love your christmas tree pants – that is definitely a phrase I wouldn't use as over here pants are your knickers/panties/boxer shorts…
Lovely pants! Great package!
Oh, wow, that turned out AWESOME!
oh, I had not seen your 'pants' on flickr, but they are amazing – so clever. Truly inspiring!!
Beautiful, and I LOVE the pants 🙂 Just too fun!!
Oh I love these! Although I'm with you on the whole 'pants' thing, but part of that is because 'pants' to us is 'panties' to you guys, and I just keep having visions of a Christmas tree wearing Y fronts or a thong…
Call it what you will, it's a great finish. I wish I were ???
Wow, absolutely wonderful.
That sure is going out with a bang! What a lucky partner – it's all gorgeous! Hope you get a wonderful package in return for your last swap (haha, yeah, heard that before).
Oh, I just re-read that and it didn't come out right…I meant that we've all sworn off swapping only to return a month later…not that you'd NOT get a wonderful package!!!
I love it!!! The presents will look awesome over this quilt under the tree!!!
That is one seriously lucky partner! All totally gorgeous and I love the tree pants!
The pants are awesome! I've been debating making some pants for my sister's tree this year. I guess I better get to it! And it's awesome that you were able to use stash exclusively. I'm sure your partner will be very happy when she opens that box!
This whole package is marvelous. I love using my stash to create beautiful things, its always so satisfying, especially those ones you thought you would never find the right project for 🙂
Good work with using what you have! I love when a hated fabric finds its proper use. Sometimes they are so perfect people ask me if I designed the quilt around the fabric when it was a last-minute desperate attempt to not have to go out and get something.
your partner is going to cry when she opens her package, with pure joy!
i did, i did cry!!!!
best package EVER!!!!
still weepy!
x, H
I was over at Heather's blog where she was saying what a fabulous swap she got, but no pictures just the link to the flicker page. I checked it out and found your awesome pics. Then imagine my surprise when I got to your blog and saw Heather's comment. She WAS the LUCKY receiver of your swap!
What is the fabric with the Santa and people with packages? It's so retro looking. I love it!
Now time for some sewing for you!
My bad, Heather did have a link right to your page! Lucky, lucky girl!!!
Pray tell where did you find the pattern? I have been looking for a square tree skirt/pants for years! It is beautiful!
fabulous use of that fabric! I have some and now know what to do….