Crossroads Complete!

Well I’m happy to say that my blocks for the 3 x 6 bee are complete! They were a bit of work, that’s for sure, but each one has a style all its own due to the color requests from their future owners.

You might recall that I found this block in EQ7 and was able to print off templates to use to cut out the pieces individually. That actually went really well and it was an interesting experience to make so many blocks from so many templates. But if you look really close at this pattern, you’ll discover that it’s really a glorified nine patch block. So you know what that means! I had to swirl all those seams on the back! LOL.

So a couple of repeats here at the top, but here’s the completed blocks.

For Lonelilly7 – colors were black, red and teal


for littleloops

colors: green, orange, pink – and I didn’t hold back on the color on this one. But she loves it, so that’s what matters the most. It was fun to work with all these bright colors and no neutrals and see what you get!


for modern sewl

colors: black, grey, red – you can really see the pattern with all the high contrast in this block!


for be13cca

colors : pink, red , orange – I broke into some precious fabrics for this one…I hope that she likes it! They were just the perfect colors and I had to use them.


for traceyjay

colors: soft shades of blue green and gray – the contrast isn’t as high here, but the overall feel of her quilt idea is not about high contrast, it’s about subtle color and softness. So I think that this will fit right in.


for Antique Roses

colors: a rainbow – I think that this one will make a lot of people happy because rainbows just do that! 🙂


And all 6 together! I’m still debating whether I will make one for myself. Right now I need a break from this block and I have too many other projects to justify making anything that I don’t absolutely need.


So with the 3 x 6 bee complete, I actually felt the need to get another project off my plate. The August blocks for Clivee for the Ravishing in Red bee. She had us paper piecing with stripes. Can we say yikes?! She did give a tutorial on her blog for how she did it, but paper piecing is one of those things that I have a really hard time following other people’s instructions. I needed to figure it out for myself…which I’m proud to say that I did, but I didn’t have any spare fabric so I’m glad that I didn’t make any mistakes!

Here are the blocks we made for her!


So next I need to finish my project for Modern Swappers so that I can have that complete and get it ready to mail. Maybe I’ll do it all today…we’ll see. It’s been a secret what that project is because I didn’t want to let my partner know what I was making…but I think that it’s close enough to the end that it will be okay to reveal all when I have it finished. 😉


2 thoughts on “Crossroads Complete!”

  1. You've been busy! I really like that pattern you used for your 3×6 blocks, very nice. And thank you for my RIR blocks, love them!

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