Well, it’s that time again! Confessions! How did we all do? Do you have glorious fabric that you bought this week (Kelly?!) or were you able to resist the call of the siren?
You all gave a number of great tips last week on how to avoid fabric. The main consensus seemed to be to avoid temptation. For some of you that means avoiding the brick and mortar stores and for others that means deleting tempting emails about fabric sales. But some of you are really hard core! I love it! LOL.
I think that my favorite tip was from Lindsay who said “To avoid buying I have just stopped looking… mostly… and I deleted the more addicting sites from my browser for now. I only kept the site I use for my Kona solids. “ Now that is dedication! I’d be afraid that I wouldn’t find those sites again. LOL.
So Lindsay, send me your address and I’ll send a little something your way!!
Another favorite tip was to organize your fabric and literally see how much fabric you already own. That personally is probably what is keeping me sane…although it’s a double edged sword. Because while I may see what I have, I also see what I don’t have!
And I’m so proud of everyone who is doing swaps instead of purchasing! Yes, there is still some money spent in shipping. But you are getting rid of the stash that you don’t need/want and getting in those more important pieces. That’s going to be my plan of attack even more after I organize. I did already set up one major swap that I’m very excited about with the lovely cilvee. And I’m mentally compiling the fabrics that I’m ready to let go…
It’s getting harder…but I think swaps could be the answer! That way you still have that high of packages coming in the mail! 😉 So let’s get some swaps going. There are a couple of groups over on Flickr set up for just this purpose if you haven’t checked them out yet.
Nothing purchased! YEAH!
And I've been sewing from my stash too!!! Photos should be posted of my quilt top tomorrow or monday
I've said goodbye to the diet for January…..there is no hope of recovery. As soon as my head said diet, I started buying!?! So, instead of feeling bad about it, I'm just going to restart in February, and I'll still be checking in.
I have made it another week, I was definitely tempted but I know that feb. is going to be a real problem I am signed up for a quilting trip for superbowl saturday sales suppose to be hundreds of bolts for 1/2 off and I am signed up for a shop hop so that is helping me now but I don't know what if any thing can help me then, 50% off that is really really tempting.
I didn't make any purchases this week! (last week and the week before… well… that was another story). 😉
I made it! And this week the temptation was some pearl necklace fabric…seriously almost got all 3 colors. So pretty!
I sqeaked through another week, even though I went to a new-to-me quilt shop that had a fabric that I have been looking for. Hubby said he would take me back after my diet… That was a close one!! I am getting so much done in using stash that the temptation is really minimal!!! Yay! Up this week, two gatherings at quilt shops…drat. Too fun to pass on though!!
fail! i bought fabric specifically for binding on aproject, got it home, and it didn't even match right!
Yup, no purchases this week! I did a bit of swapping instead. Although a quilt-along is calling my name, and I may break down and get some solid for it, but it hasn't happened yet!
No purchases this week, although I've been tempted a bit. I found a new fabric line to wait for and should be able to buy whole yards of it instead of little 1/8ths. That is going to feel great, and knowing that keeps me on track.
Okay, so I managed another week, but boy it was tough! We have our VMQG meetings in a fabric store – and they do have some nice things! I will be going to do some shopping, I just need to get my list made up so I blow my diet, but good, only once! That might be next weekend if I can get organized with what I need.
Ok, I'm up to week three. Will this ever end??? I had to go to my lqs for batting. And I walked away with nothing. NOTHING, not even the batting. So. very. sad. But my purse is a little heavier for the exercise so thanks for keeping me motivated 🙂
I didn't buy any fabric at all last week – Mandy has got some La Petite Ecole layer cakes in her shop and those are calling out to me but I managed to resist – I even tried to buy some fabric and failed amazingly – I tested something I was making against some of Mandy's solids, found the right colour and then we forgot to sort out cutting it and me taking it away with me so this week I'm in the clear. Next week, who knows. Tips for not buying fabric? Don't go for coffee in Mandy's studio.
Didn't buy any fabric this week, I always shop my stash first and having it organized by color makes it so easy. I had taken everything off the shelves, and then put it all back on one fat quarter at a time, to really go through it all and find what goes where. It was like Christmas time. To see all the quilt alongs I am following to get rid of my stash and scraps, you can see them all on my blog at 16muddyfeet.blogspot.com
i'm just back from my trip to my relatives…even though i visited a brick-and-mortar quilt shop, i resisted buying anything. Not even embroidery floss or quilt thread!
perhaps i'm cured for a while because the aunt i was staying with had so much STUFF in her house…she has a tidy home, but so much USELESS STUFF was CRAMMED in every nook & cranny just because she could use it SOMEDAY or she was given it. i felt like someone had literally smashed a mirror in my face…i don't want to end like that!!! *lol*.
i think i'll tackle my stash soon and see what i don't like anymore (my taste has evolved a lot in the last 3 years!) & will sell it as soon as possible…
again, i'm so glad to participate in this challenge – although i'm still far from being responsible enough to only buy fabric that i really need in future :).
I was clean in week 3! I've managed 3 weeks so far…but week 4 …well, I'll go over to that check in post and confess….