Alleluia! The fabric diet is over! Take a deep breath and a sigh of relief!
It’s time to tally up all the weeks that you’ve been naughty or nice and see what Santa will bring you. Oh wait, that’s Christmas. Well, it’s still time to tally up those weeks. 😉
I know that this was either a huge success for some or a laughable attempt at controlling the monster that is a love for fabric. I fell somewhere in between. I think that doing this really helped me evaluate what fabrics I have and what fabrics I want. I’m learning how to spend my dollars more wisely…which is always a good thing. And I’m determining the amounts of fabric that I would like of particular prints. I’m kind of surprising myself with the fabrics that I adore and the ones that I can ignore.
I find it helpful to find the fabric, know that I could buy it, and then make a rational..non impulsive decision about the fabric. I’ve figured out that sometimes it’s worth pursuing the hard to find fabrics and other times you just need to ride the train of gorgeous new fabrics. Because just when I think that i have every print I want, I somehow see a new line in a different way. And then I must have it.
I’ve also learned that it’s okay to love just a few of the prints from a particular line…and I don’t need to have all of them. It’s really just my compulsive nature that makes me want to collect entire lines. But honestly, it’s a pretty silly thing to do because I so rarely make something from just one line. I take great delight in throwing together fabrics from all over the place!
And I’m still organizing fabric! It’s crazy! But the good news is that I will be doing some destashing soon in my Etsy shop and I hope that you will enjoy what I’m letting go of. Plus you know you all get a discount code. 😉
So spill everyone…this is the last check in. You must check in to be eligible for any special prizes… tease tease.
And make sure you come back tomorrow because we are having a fabulous giveaway from the Fat Quarter Shop! (hint: girls, trees, puppy dogs, scooters, scarves and more!)
🙁 Fail again. What can I say I was out of town with my quilting mother of sorts, she helped me pull my ideas together for my VIBee month. I did do 6 weeks and total bought very little and used up a lot of my stash :). Thanks for a wonderful diet!
Yay! I made it through week 8 intact!
I made it with only one splurge the whole time!!!! Yeah!
I have to say I'm fairly glad it's over…no more restraining myself, lol! I think I was good about half the time, 4 out of 8 isn't too bad, right?! 😉
Successful this week. 🙂
Plus finished one UFO and *really* close to finishing two more! 🙂