Feeling a little sentimental about blogland

I’m sitting here, up too late, and going through just some of the many blogs that I try to follow. There are so many out there!! I know I can never keep up with them all. But I’m feeling kind of sentimental about this whole online quilting community and the support that so many people give to so many other people. I love to read blogs that clearly have really loyal followers and see that people are excited for that person’s work and life. I love that as a blogger, I can post something random and at least one person out there will make me feel a little bit more normal about it by agreeing with me or consoling me or whatever.

I truly love the way the quilting community is so worlded widespread. I literally never know when someone comments on my blog for the first time what country they are from. How awesome is that? Oh and I strangely seem to have a fairly strong international following. I’m wondering if it is because I post late at night and that works well time zone-wise for others. I digress….

In a world where it is often easier to gripe about things than compliment people for their hard work, I would love to give you all a chance to say something that you love about blogland. And I’ll start!

• I love that I can keep in touch with friends from all over the country now (especially my NOLA Peeps!)that I have actually met in person…and I know I’ll meet a ton more at the sewing summit!

• I’m so appreciative of all of the tutorials that people take the time to write up. That’s hard work and some people spit them out like it’s nothing. But don’t be fooled. They are working hard to do that for all of us.

•I love that one of the funniest people I know lives in England and I’ve never actually met her…and I can’t even remember how we started chatting. But I’m so grateful for that friendship.

I could go on and on, but I want you all to feel free to share something you love about this quilting community of ours. Maybe it’s your favorite blogger (who me? why thank you!)…or the fact that there seems to be a quilter for all of us. Someone we especially identify with. Whatever! Like I said, I’m feeling sentimental and I’d love if some of you joined me on this Anne of Green Gables – esque experience of sharing our feelings.

Feeling A Little Sentimental About Blogland

35 thoughts on “Feeling a little sentimental about blogland”

  1. I love the blogland quilters too and often refer to my friend, so and so, when we have never met or spoke on the phone. Just a warm virtual hug. It's easy to share on the web and it's easy to get praise for your work, but most people are just really nice and genuine and that is what I love about blogging.

  2. Anne of Green Gables is one of my favorite movies…but I've never actually read the book(s)…well I started one and never finished it.

    I'm also up way late (12:49 am here)…but what I like about blogland is getting to share what I'm working on with others.

  3. I enjoy the inspiration and encouragement that is to be found in blogland … in my "small town" area where it's so hard to meet others like myself, here in blogland I feel I belong … I've met the neatest community of quilters of which so many have become dear to me … and like you mentioned … some I've never personally met and may not get the chance other than through the internet. Thank you for sharing! Love Anne of Green Gables!!

  4. Anne of Green Gables is a beautiful story! I really love reading different blogs and seeing what people are working on and also a bit about their lives. I have also spent hours going from one to another and then starting to follow new ones. It is fun to share ideas with people too. I enjoy your post very much.

  5. I love how I went from barely knowing how to quilt to having followers and people asking me questions about how I do what I do – in just a matter of months. (largely in part by the tons of great and helpful tutorials out there that helped me learn).

    I love that I have quilty pieces in my home from four different countries – from swap friends.

    I love the open nature of the sewing community – all are welcome and accepted.

    I love the thought of meeting so many at the sewing summit (I'll get there somehow!)….

    I love that I met a new friend at my local modern quilt guild… and she recognized me by my flickr/blog when we were being introduced – she liked my swap pillow and had hoped it was coming to her!

    I could go on… but I'll leave room for others to post. 🙂

  6. Funnily enough, I posted yesterday that I love how blogging and reading blogs has made me friends I never would have had a chance to meet otherwise. It's a great medium for bringing like minded people together. And I love the inspiration I find in blogland.

  7. I love that so many people like to share their crafty stories – I'm a slow crafter, so if I ever blogged it would take months and months to show something!

    I love that I can see other people's beautiful and inspiring work and have a huge file full of "inspiration for the next 50 projects" 🙂

    I love bloggers' generosity in handing out FREE tutorials – or else I would never have learned to quilt

    And finally, I love your blog and your work and your stories and check pretty much everyday what's going off on the other side of the world from me!

  8. I love blogland for all the above reasons. Who else would understand my fabric addiction? Who else understands the frustration of techniques that are hard to master and the elation that comes when you finally master them? Hooray for blogland!

  9. I would like to point out that it's not only quilters. I think this community extends to sewers, crocheters, knitters, embroiderers, crafters of all kinds. I personally have never made a quilt but still feel in touch with plenty of quilters out there through blog land. I just love having people to share my makes with as my husband tends to glance over
    when I show him something I make, he says "very nice" but he doesn't get it. You guys out there do!

  10. I love the fact that I've learned sooooo much in just a year from all the kind people who post great tutorials and videos …

    I also really love my blogolopolis friends … they are important to me 🙂

  11. I love Blogland for all the reasons above and more. I feel like it is the best community for quilters. You can learn, teach, make friends, participate in virtual "bees", OMgosh I could go on and on. I have made so many friends and business connections via the web. It's an amazing place. Thanks for a great post!

  12. Wow… Some awesome comments here… And most I can appreciate and could restate in my own response.

    Being a male quilter, I don't participate in Quilting Retreats. I don't for several reasons. One of the biggest reasons for me is that I don't want to steal the inherent "Girl Time" that a retreat affords you ladies. No matter how comfortable I am around a group of women, and no matter how comfortable they are with me, there are some conversations that wouldn't happen with me there… ( I don't think I need to elaborate too much here ).

    More importantly, I made a promise to my wife that I will never put myself in a situation where I am alone with another woman. I could not guarantee that in a small getaway setting.

    So, my "Quilting Retreats" happen virtually. Maybe someday I'll set up a "Guys Only Quilting Retreat", but for now, Blogville is where I share my projects, processes, questions, etc. And I appreciate ALL that is given freely here. Without it, I wouldn't be half the quilter I am today.

    Oh, and having 62 followers from 9 different countries after only four months of blogging blows my mind! I still can't believe there are people (not my family) who actually want to read what I have to say…

    Thanks Angela, and Thanks Blogville!


  13. I love how I really don't know the people in quilty blogland, and yet they all seem like my favorite friends.. so kind and generous. So willing to share their time and talents. I have learned SEEEEW much about quilting, although I still have a LOT to learn, I feel that is the fun part, and I am going to have a BLAST doing it with all my bloggy friends!

  14. blogland is a wonderful place. so full of kindness and inspiration, for sure! i only wish i could meet more of the people here in real life.

  15. Jennifer at Ellison Lane Quilts

    I love blogland because it has enhanced my life tremendously. The friends I've made just make talking about sewing/quilting so much fun. I'm so inspired by everyone and love that we all get to share our quilty love.
    PS: I loved Anne of Green Gables too- the books, the movie and the tv show.

  16. Wonderful post. I think I have two favorite things: (1) The helpfulness of other people, as seen through posts, tutorials, gatherings, e-mails and comments, and (2) the feeling of not being alone, weird, or strange. Like you said, we can post about nearly anything and chances are someone has already been there – and is more than willing to help us through it!

  17. There are many things to like and many good thoughts already listed. What I think about is how I feel more alive when I'm creating something beautiful. The online community offers endless inspiration. Without it, I just wouldn't be making these beautiful things.

  18. I love the inspiration, encouragement and love so easily shared by people in blogland. It is amazing how you can feel so loved and appreciated by so many people you have never met in person. It is wonderful how blogs bring so many together with common interests.

  19. I love how wonderful getting a comment feels. From someone you didn't know read your blog, or from someone who's never commented before – I really make an effort to comment on many of the blogs I read and when people return that, it just makes me feel so grateful! I'm not saying you have to go comment on my blog Angela 😉 but that's how I feel! Everyone is so generous too – if I win a giveaway or buy something from a blogger's shop, they always include the sweetest notes and scraps. It's like the nicest surprise.

  20. So here Í am in Sweden, and I can only agree with every single LOVE comment. But I have another love thing, I can practice on my english! So hopefully every understand my written language, it´s not allways so easy.
    So I LOVE Blogland and Flickr.
    Hugs to all / Karin på Ösäter

  21. One of the things I love the most about blogland is finding other people that really share the notion of 'art for art's sake.' I feel like I have a second family that won't question me on 'why' I want to make something but instead will offer support and a lot of time they'll have the 'how' for me when I get stuck.

  22. Gosh! Just two years ago I didn't know anything about quilting and I was feeling out of sorts because my son was heading off to college. Now I have a fun and interesting hobby and friends all over the world. All of this is because of blogs and flickr and I'm very thankful that I found this wonderful group of people.

  23. I enjoy sharing my work and photographs and despite my limited English I was able to communicate with many people from other countries, and not many people of my country, but it makes me happy every time any of you go through here!. I'm kind of sad today …

  24. I love the fact that I can teach myself how to quilt through blog land! I don't have a tight sewing group where I live and it's hard to just "butt in", so I have truly learned everything I know from observing you and other wonderful blogger and the lessons you all teach me about sewing and quilting! I can hardly wait for Sewing Summit! It is great to feel a connection with something you love to do 🙂

  25. For years, I quilted alone in my basement. I shared things with family and friends, but no one really "got it". Having been in blogland for one year now – I am amazed at the support and encouragement people give each other. It is wonderful to connect with so many different people, to be inspired by them and to be around others who "get" and are as passionate about it as you. Even if we never meet in person, I am still better for knowing those I've met in blogland.

  26. Definitely the friends. And swaps. And people that send me stuff just because it made them think of me (and that I find special things to send others for the same reason). And fresh ideas. And Flickr. And learning that I'm not the only one that can't sew with brown fabric 🙂

  27. It is all about the friendship- that means so much more than anything else, I didn't realise it would be like that when I started blogging

  28. Aw, Angela! I totally agree! I feel like only my online bloggy flickr friends understand my quilting and sewing. It's a great feeling when I finish something, then think, I better go photograph this so I can post it and show my friends!
    I can't wait for Summit either!!! I'm sure we'll all be bosom friends 🙂

  29. So I agree with everyone! It is fun to have people take time out of their day to just look at what I make or write and comment. It is really nice to see and comment on what they create too. I love the community, friends, advice, inspiration, lessons, etc. that this provides. And bloggers are funny a lot of the time too.

  30. When I started blogging it was mostly as a way to document, for myself, my quilting journey. I had no idea the kind of friends I would make and the depth of friendship with someone you have not met in person.

  31. I sort of stumbled into blogland accidentally, a little over six months ago…and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's a world I won't be stumbling out of anytime soon. I'll always be thankful to Lynne of Lily's Quilts for giving me the nudge to start blogging. It's definitely a world of encouragement, inspiration, sharing and laughter.

    Great post Angela.

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