Hey all! I’ve already had questions about a Flickr group for the QAL, so I went ahead and started one. Come join me so I’m not talking to myself. lol
This will be a great place to post pictures of pieces you’ve already made, inspirations made by others, and just chat in general. I’ll post a link there when new instructions are up but I’ll keep all of the directions here on the blog. I know that some of you are already talking about personalizing the quilt in your own way, so that would be a great place to share. Plus, if you have a design of your own for another image that would also be a great place to share. I had to choose a select few icons for the quilt but there are lots of other great ones out there! So feel free to share them!
Come rescue the princess!
you really do need a princess… ♥
My Grandson said he wanted a Mario Quilt I didn’t think I would find such an amazing pattern for one. He will be so thrilled. Thank you so much for sharing.