I filmed a DVD!

What?! Crazy!  I filmed a DVD and it is now available for download or hard copy purchase from Interweave.  I’ve got to admit that I’m tickled over the fact that my face is on the cover of this.  I know that they took that shot just in between segments of shooting and I was exhausted. lol  So frankly I’m fairly impressed that I don’t look like a disaster.  My picture isn’t even IN my book. I’m still shaking my head in disbelief that is on this DVD.  This DVD of me. speaking. all by myself.

Okay.  Thanks for processing that with me.  lol  Now let me tell you a bit about the DVD. You might be shocked (insert sarcastic tone) to find that it is a DVD on sewing curves.  I swear I do a lot more than sew curves, but for the moment I’m just diving in and exploring all kinds.

Throughout the DVD I explore and show you how to sew Drunkard’s Path blocks, Apple core, Flowering Snowballs, Clam shells, Improv Curves and even ovals.  It’s a very thorough look at different types of curves and my tips and tricks for handling them. I take you through cutting, pinning, piecing, sewing, ironing and combing shapes together…to ultimately showing a finished product for each.  There are lots of project ideas to inspire you.

I know that a lot of people are intimidated by curves and I think after you watch this, you will have a great deal of insight into what is easy and what is tricky.  And I have no doubt that you will want to start a curved shape of your own in one manner or another.

This is a technique based workshop DVD and my goal in making it, is to make the task of sewing curves feel approachable and exciting.  I want to take any mystery out of the process and make sewing curves that much more accessible.  The reality is that often we need to SEE someone creating to understand how they do it rather than just read about it or try to follow diagrams in a book.

Oh and just to show that I’m not all serious and heavy about this, my husband pointed out that I say the word “lovely” quite a bit in the DVD (yes, I have watched it myself…that was a little odd…but I’ve actually watched it twice from beginning to end to hear every word and thought I had).  There are worse things you could say than “lovely” but we got a big kick out of it and we started shouting out “LOVELY!” each time I said it.  We thought it might make a good drinking game if you were so inclined 😉

128 thoughts on “I filmed a DVD!”

  1. Well, as I am not lucky with give aways, I just bought the downloadable dvd. Still 7 minutes remaining for downloading but then I have my 'personal' curve sewing teacher at my own home in the Netherlands and I can't wait to dust of my 'scary' accuquilt dies with curves.

  2. How exciting! It's nice when we can laugh at ourselves, otherwise, we'd be doing a lot of crying every day! I saw a Jeep this morning that said upside down over the windshield, "If you can read this, flip me over!" It made me laugh out loud. 🙂

  3. I would love some Curve confidence. Perhaps I lack it because I struggle to just stitch straight seams… but curves have been on my To Do list for quite a while: templates (check), fabric (check), confidence ( nope ).

  4. I have and love your book. My first curved project was a flowering snowball pattern that I just could NOT get the curves to work out on. I watched EVERY youtube video, read every post, found your lovely book and tutorials, but just couldn't work it out. I finished the quilt by cutting down the mismatched curves and then discovered that I hadn't added a seam allowance to my templates! Errrr.

  5. I feel joyful when my twin three year olds play together happily. And when they take naps.
    No really, they are so cute talking to each other and making up little games to play.

  6. Curves intimidate me and have for years – looking forward to seeing the video on interweave (love that you can watch them as many times as you want on your computer!!)
    i feel joyful when my teenager picks up the wet towels in the bathroom and hangs them up…must admit that does not happen too often …..:)

  7. Congrats on the DVD, and thanks for the giveaway! My toddler is always making me laugh with the things he says. I don't know where it all comes from, but there's some craziness going on in that little head.

  8. Angela, I absolutely ADORE the pillow you made me and I'm happy to see it on the DVD cover! Congrats on all the amazing things you've got going on lately.

  9. Congratulations on your DVD! I've been scared to try curves since I'm fairly new but I'll get it eventually! Here's something my little Maltese did, he hated going outside to do his business and one day I actually caught him doing it in my hallway. He didn't know I was watching him and I wanted to see what he would do. After he finished, the little sneak picked it up in his mouth, walked into my bedroom and went straight to my closet. Then he rooted around some of my high heel shoes and dropped it in! I couldn't get mad, it was so funny I laughed so hard and scared him half to death! Dogs are definitely a Godsend when you want some laughter! Thanks for the giveaway!


  10. One of my favorite things to do is drive field trips for my son's school (K-12). My favorite group to drive is the 9-12 year olds. It's like being a fly on the wall. They usually forget I'm there. It's fun listening to them 'imagine this', 'what if', 'which do you like better?', 'one time I heard', 'If you could', 'wanna hear something gross'….. They crack me up! It's a simple and fun joy for me. Congrats on the DVD!

  11. Actually, I thought of something funny when I was reading your post — you mention that lots of people think of curves as scary, and my next thought was internal laughter because then I must be very scary indeed! 😉 sarah@forrussia.org

  12. I made myself laugh the other day. I couldn't find my work pants. A couple of days later I opened up a storage closet in our laundry room and found them hanging to dry on the backside of it. And I said,"Oh hey guys!!" Like they were my long lost friends. Silly 🙂

  13. My granddaughter (17 months) lives on the other side of the country and we FaceTime often. Today she took the iPad to my daughter and grunted and my daughter asked if she wanted to call me and she said Pweeze. I miss her. Hope that gave you a chuckle.

  14. I'm not afraid of curves, I just don't do them very well! When one of my daughters was in third grade she had to write about her goals in life…she said that she wanted to be a valid victorian. She cried when I laughed at that…I guess Valedictorian kind of sounds like valid victorian!!

  15. I've been experimenting with curves a little…I even made a quilt from your book! But I need practice for sure.

    And what brings me joy? My kids. Sometimes. They also bring the headaches. 🙂

  16. My tuxedo, scrap loving cat brings smiles to my face. He loves to bask in my scraps and lay on my sewing machine. He also likes opening my refrigerator door just to see the light some on.

    tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com