Here I am once again at my computer when I could possibly be sewing. The problem is that I have so many projects going right now that I’m a little overwhelmed with which one to work on. There’s the doll quilt swap which has flickr a buzzing with anxiety, excitement and much stalking of partners. There’s the modern swappers who are a fun group and it’s a much smaller scale so I look at pictures and think that they really might be for me! I know exactly what I’m doing for that swap, but I’m worried that if I post too much that my partner will figure out that I have her…we have three months, so I need to be tricky. I think that because I know what I am making for her I feel behind. But in reality there are months to get all of it done.
My many bees are keeping me busy just keeping up with conversations online. The Japanese bee is a happening group and always up to something funny. That will be starting really soon, so I’m just waiting for the fabric. The first host is from my city so I should get it really quickly!
Here’s something funny! Today I received fabric for the bee, Bee Liberated. Unfortunately I found that I couldn’t bear to work with it. Why? you ask… well, because I’m extremely bug phobic and one of the fabrics she sent me was a red and white check with tons of real size ants printed all over it. Obviously part of a picnic line, but it creeps out just to look at it! LOL. Thankfully when I contacted her about it she gave me free reign to use whatever fabric that I want in place of it. Yeah for liberated quilters! Now that’s a problem I never thought I would have.
No more progress on the paintbox quilt…like I said in the title…I need to sew.
The asterisk quilt is waiting for me to slice and sew…need to start sewing.
Liberated basket for Bee Liberated…need to start sewing.
Modern Swappers mystery items…need to start sewing.
Yellow and turquoise square quilt … need to start quilting.
Doll quilt…so far down the line…not sewing for a while on that one 🙂
On the other hand, I’ve been going through the tutorials for Electric Quilt 7 and learning how the program works. No problems so far, but I’m just doing the easy stuff so far. I want to work my way through all the lessons soon because I think that it will help me with my doll quilt idea. That would be great.
Oh and I’m starting to get some blocks back from Busy Bees. I’m going to have an alternating block for the quilt and I need to decide what that is and then start making many of it…need to start sewing and designing!
What have we learned? Pick a project and focus on it for a couple of hours at least. Make progress on one of these things tomorrow! Oh and continue to stalk doll quilt swap partner. 😉