Yesterday I somehow managed to make two different blocks for a couple of my bees, the bee a little bit Japanese and Busy Bees.
I’ve had the Japanese fabric from Paula a bit longer, so I wanted to work on that one first. The instructions were to make two blocks that featured wonky houses or things that might belong in a wonky town. Well for some reason I was stumped. I’ve done wonky houses before, but just little ones…not ones that took up the whole block. I looked at what other people were making and I was just getting confused! LOL. I decided that I needed to not look at anything from anyone else and just figure out what kind of building inspired me. And then the light went on so to speak.
Can you tell what it is? I was worried that you wouldn’t be able to but my husband saw it right away. It’s a lighthouse! Now of course I’m worried that it’s not particularly wonky except for the concept that these fabrics are not what I would use if I was trying to make a realistic looking lighthouse. So I comfort myself with that. Did you see who’s in the top of the lighthouse?
Why it’s little red riding hood trying to escape from the big bad wolf. Now that’s certainly not what you would see in an every day lighthouse…that’s a little “wonky”…right?
And though she asked for two blocks and others have made her that, I did not have enough fabric to even contemplate another block! There was some of that solid green left, but you can’t make a whole block from that! LOL. So only one not so wonky lighthouse from me.
Then I started to work on Tacha’s block for Busy Bees. She sent us the most luscious fabrics. I always love her color combinations. But then again, the last couple have been with pinks and yellows…but in a completely cool way. This block took everything out of me, so she too is only getting one. LOL. So there is lots of other great fabric that you won’t see but I wish I could have used.
Anyway…onto the block!
I don’t know if it looks as hard as it was..probably not or I wouldn’t have tackled it. LOL. But once I had all the pieces cut out, there was no turning back. Surprisingly there was no cursing involved while putting this together. Rather, I was just excited to be able to pull it off decently. It’s not totally perfect but starch does wonders! 😉
And I like how it sort of looks like a butterfly here.
This block was difficult because of the double curves and the fact that it had to be completed with inset seams. Oh yeah…and because I just had the template pieces and no instructions. Instructions might have helped. LOL.
But two more blocks down for the month of September. In theory there are two more to go but I don’t even have their fabric yet, so I’m not behind on any of that! Woohoo!
They are both gorgeous Angela! I saw the lighthouse immediately and fell in love with it just as instantly!!
I knew right away it was a lighthouse. And the second block looks horribly hard!!! It turned out awesome!