I recently sent a couple of my quilts off to Quilt Con – the first Modern Quilt Guild National Conference for the quilt show there. I’ve never submitted a quilt for a formal juried show and I was nervous but excited. I submitted two quilts into the show and was delighted when they were accepted to be part of the show.
The first was a small applique quilt I made as part of a swap. It’s one of my favorites!
And the second was a Zig Zag Twin size quilt I designed and made as part of a QAL here on my blog.
I wasn’t able to be at Quilt Con myself. The cost was prohibitive for me and I frankly needed that time to sew. But it sounds like lots of people there had a great time. And they helped keep Austin weird. 😉
I couldn’t see my own quilts in the show and lived vicariously through the pictures people took of the quilt show. It was great fun to see all the quilts.
And then, the awards started coming out. It was quickly clear that I was NOT a winner. That’s okay. Seriously. I was fine. I did have some hmm? moments about some of the winners but I chalked some of that up to not seeing the quilts in person. I put that behind me and focused on my current work and the fun time I was having with some quilty friends in Atlanta that weekend instead.
Today I opened the box with my returned quilts from the show, excited to read the judges comments on my quilts. Excitement quickly dwindled to confusion and then to heart ache as I read what they thought of my work.
Let me preface this by saying I do not know who the judges were and I DO NOT think that they were saying anything about me, Angela Pingel. I feel that they were talking about my work. And it’s awfully hard to distinguish that from myself but I’m working on it. I feel no animosity towards the judges…I’m just sharing my experience with my first juried show.
This quilt… a little piece of me for sure, was unoffensive to them but definitely not their cup of tea. They found nothing extraordinary about it and it was described as being “overly personal”.
Confusion. Isn’t quilting about being personal? Isn’t this about taking a piece of ourselves and putting it out there? Is Modern Quilting just graphic images and straight lines at wonky angles? I didn’t think so before this, but now I’m not sure. There was no mention of the detail or work it took to make this. Did I make it look too easy? lol Because trust me. It wasn’t.
So whatever. Obviously not to their taste. So I opened the letter to read about my zig zag quilt. And my heart sank.
They pretty much hated everything about this one. They didn’t like my fabric choices…thought they should be “more special”. They DID NOT like the binding fabric – apparently it cut off the design of the quilt. ??? The quilting did nothing for them. Apparently it did not accent the design of the quilt. And the kicker. They said it had NO VISUAL IMPACT. They said it was not particularly modern (It was in the modern traditionalism category) nor original.
I’ve got to admit. That was really hard for me to hear. I cried a few tears and tried to understand what they would want. I didn’t EVER think that my zig zag quilt had a chance in hell of winning anything. I even joked with friends that I thought my quilt was accepted in order to make it obvious that their quilts should win (I think I was right on that). But I didn’t realize that by entering it I was opening myself to this type of critique. I want to have a conversation with them and explain that the fabrics were deliberately chosen to highlight the pattern and not the fabrics. That the quilting was difficult and done by me on a conventional machine using 17 bobbins. I thought that the juxtaposition of the large pebbles was interesting against the straight lines of the zig zag.
I wasn’t expecting puppies and rainbows but I don’t want to feel like it wasn’t worth their time. Why did they accept it in the first place? But most of all I struggle with the fact that they (whoever they are) have made me ASHAMED of my work.
I’ll recover. I’ll move on, scarred but stronger. It will certainly take a lot for me to ever enter a competition like this again. I’d like to think I can take criticism but maybe I can’t. I don’t have any other experience with juried shows so maybe this is what they are all like. Regardless, they are not the place for me. I feel less like I belong than ever before.
*shutting down the comments so we can all move on. Please feel free to email me if you have further concerns. I’m doing well and I will be happily sewing in the future.*
You are an artist, not just trying to fit a mold and win a prize. Don't let them get you down and please don't let them change you or your vision… I love what you do and most importantly, so do you! Remember that is what counts, ALWAYS.
My first thoughts were: Ouch how harsh! I mean you don't get feed back like that from a county fair judging. Its either they like it or they don't and you get a ribbon or not. No feels are hurt. Then my next thought was; If they [the Modern Quilt Guild] keep boasting about how free form and open minded modern quilting is as far as designs go and then turn around be so harsh on the folks who enter, isn't about time someone sat down and put guide lines on what modern quilting is considered to be?
I will be honest I adore your mini! It really does tickle my heart! I see the work that was put into it and if I had to choose a category for it, I would put it under art quilting because that is exactly what it is…a piece of art.
Now that I think about it, now I see why the ladies in my non-modern quilt guild give me such discrimination when I say that I love modern quilting. Here I just thought that they did not get me. Now I see the underlining of it all and my next thought is: What hypocrites to put on a show as if they were judging traditional quilts!
I guess you can chalk it up as an experience but I would not give up on entering your quilts in any more shows. If anything try entering into a traditional show to see what they have to say and I will guarantee that there will be some critique but nothing as harsh as what you received from the modern quilt guild. Oh, also keep this in mind when you do enter a show; is that it is not anything personal about you as a quilter but you are just at the mercy of the judge that day. That is something that I learned while being in 4-H as a kid. I know its a hard pill to swallow but once you get your mind set to it, you will be like: Whatever, I still love it no matter what you have to say!
Dear Angela: I am feeling your pain on this issue. Long ago, I had some similar experiences with woven items I entered into juried shows. One piece had already been in a fairly prestigious art garment show in San Diego, and yet the judges in the small show in NM just tore it up. That is when I decided to leave judging my work to myself, and perhaps my peers, if I chose to ask for their opinions. I hope you can do the same. Those people are, after all, just other people who have opinions, and placed in a position as judges so they may feel compelled to say more than is necessary to make their points. Your work is just fine. Please don't be discouraged. Stay the course!
This is ridiculous…it simply wasn't appropriate to write comments in that manner. I've only gotten a quilt into one juried show, and it was a traditional show. For all the complaining the "modern fok" do about the quilt policing the "traditional folk" do, I was pleasantly surprised by how nicely written it was – both comments that complemented (I mean, there was SOME reason why the quilt got in, this is why I don't understand the way they seemingly tore apart your quilts…) and offered constructive criticism. For example, instead of saying "you did your borders wrong", they said "don't miter your borders". Eh, I'll still miter if I want. But it was CONSTRUCTIVE…and I think that's why the comments you got were so inappropriate. They weren't constructive. They were just, I don't like this or this or this. That's not constructive and doesn't help anyone improve as a quilter. Saying what worked well about a quilt is even more important to help someone improve as a quilter, rather than only saying what is "wrong" about it. I disagree with their assessment ENTIRELY…but they should have at least been professional about the way they wrote it. That way you could disagree. They way the wrote it WAS attacking-seeming, and completely unnecessary. I'm sorry you had to experience this…bah. Can't believe this.
Oh my, I am going to write this comment before I read all the others. I was at QuiltCon and I so loved seeing both these quilts in person. I remember watching the progress on your mini in the swap. It is a quilt filled with happiness and the wonder of the imagination. I love every thing about it. The zig zag quilt is another of my favourites. I remember your QAL and how I never managed to get moving. I love how you designed this particular zig zag and how you chose the fabrics. I love zig zags, they are timeless in my mind and some of my favourite quilts, modern and not. This one has a nice interesting design twist.
I am more than surprised at your comments. The comments my quilts got, and now reading yours, makes me think that they are not experienced judges and were not sure what to say or do. They certainly seemed to forget that critiques should include positive thoughts too.
I think that they were wrong on both your quilts. Completely wrong. File them away and carry on being the amazing quilter and designer that you are.
I'm also going to comment before reading all the others. I've been reading your blog for a couple of years now and love seeing all the amazing things you make. I was awestruck with your small applique and could only dream of having the vision to make something so beautiful. Totally inspiring.
Your Zig-zag quilt is fresh and vibrant and one I would be very proud to own or be able to create.
Remember, everyone is entitled to their opinion. On this occasion, the judges just clearly don't know a good thing when they see it!
Keep inspiring others.
I had to watch my kids go through things like this in 4-H. Some judges aren't experienced enough to judge without mean criticism. Quiltcon is not the place for such behavior. You are amazing to be able to even blog about this. I appreciate your honesty and feel so bad you had this experience.
I always told my kids this is just one person's opinion at one particular time. Tomorrow they will have a different opinion. Opinions are like … ….., everybody has one. lol
I love both quilts.
Chin up!!
I can't believe they wrote that!!!! I LOVED seeing your quilts at QuiltCon, thought they were both gorgeous, and fit right in with all the other amazing quilts that were there. I even voted for your mini quilt for crowd favorite (shhh 🙂 )
That is so not what I thought QuiltCon was about, and now I am debating my decision to submit a quilt for the next one…If your beautiful, well constructed quilts weren't "good enough" for them, then nothing is!!
Keep creating exactly what makes YOU happy, and forget the dumb judges!!!!
Please dont let this stop you from sharing your quilts with others. Your post and the posts of others who were disappointed prompted me to write a post on my blog I hope you will read. Especially because the video at the end would be fun for you and your daughter to watch. http://cyarnell.blogspot.com/2013/03/judging-quilts-not-ourselves.html
You should definitely take the comments with a grain of salt. Judging is always subjective, and I think there were some growing pains associated with this first "modern" show. I do know that traditional, trained judges were asked to judge the quilts based on technique alone, without taking design into account, as the modern vs traditional aesthetic obviously has some major differences. The organizers could not find any judges willing to do this.
So, yes, the judges were inexperienced in the world of judging, to be sure. They also had to write commentary for over 700 quilts in two very long days. After reading your comments, my first thought was that they were writing the commentary as they went along, giving themselves the reasons why a quilt may or not move on. While I can understand the need for that for their own use, it seems incredibly harsh not o find the good in the quilts as well.
DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED! Remember you make you quilts to please you or whoever you may choose to give a quilt to – judging is so arbitrary and I don't see how they can compare quilts – or judge our fabric choices. It IS intensely personal! I love your work – it is fresh and pleasing to the eye – and full of YOU (or at least what i know of you from your blog). (And you didn't even need to pay an entry fee to hear me say that!) 🙂
I was at Quiltcon, and I think the judges were stuck in an oldish Modern movement…like 1970s era. Improv, dull fabrics, asymmetrical. Where were the bright colors, the kitschy, the fun embroideries, the cool hexes? The online New modern sewing community is way more open-minded and accepting. I was thrilled to see your beautiful quilts in person!
I made a decision long ago to never submit my work to a judged competition. Mostly that's because I'm an academic, and the majority of my work is subject to peer review. Reviewing is done by people working in the field or a closely related one, not by expert reviewers, and I suspect that the same is true of quilt judges. The best (maybe 10%) identify the strengths of the piece and make suggestions for improving the areas they see as being weaker, i.e. they provide constructive criticism. As a reviewer myself, I know that such professional courtesy takes more time than many are prepared to give. And some individuals, when asked to review, seem to forget that the process is one of "peer" review, and mentally elevate themselves while simultaneously relegating the author to an inferior position (never mind that professionally the opposite might be true). They then proceed as if this superior position gives them licence to be dismissive and often rude. Sometimes I think that the reviewers have watched too many episodes of American Idol and model their comments on Simon Cowell.
Notice that all of these comments are about the reviewers, not the work (and definitely not about you). The work is exactly the same as it was before you submitted it. It has all the same fine qualities. It is still beautiful. It still brought you pleasure to make it. It still challenged you and helped you to develop your skills. Don't let the uninformed comments of the anonymous reviewers lower the value of the work in your own eyes. (As an aside, I suspect that the anonymity contributes to the problem.)
Weighed against your many successes (publications, winning the Moda design challenge, etc.) it's relatively minor. Fortunately, you have those successes under your belt. (I pity those who received this type of feedback the first time they submitted their work for evaluation.) And those harsh words from one or two judges are nothing compared with the mass of people who love your work and are happy to enjoy it on a regular basis. So I'd say that the important thing here is that you don't let this experience assume a disproportionate importance and let it inhibit you in any way. It's just not worth it.
Your mini quilt is how I found and then subscribed to your blog. It is absolutely the most dear quilt ever. I don't think I have ever commented before, but I just want you to know that there are probably hundreds of other silent quilters who love what you do and find it so inspirational as opposed to what is now becoming a very humdrum repetitive look in the "modern" quilting world.
Thank you for sharing your experience. It is a good reminder of why I choose not to even try to enter these types of competitions. I hope the outpouring of support for you helps to take the sting away.
I wasn't there so maybe some of the winners were better in person but I have to say that I love your quilts so much more than the actual winners. I think the personal of them is what makes them good. I'm particularly fond of the zig zag quilt. I think it is both modern and an innovative way to do zig zags.
your quilts are lovely. your blog is real. you do a wonderful job. it's too bad you had some terrible judges who weren't able to encourage you in your work/art and instead had a negative impact. i hope you don't let them get the best of you!
You and I have already discussed this via email, but I think it's worth leaving a comment here for the record. I think your quilts are wonderful—these are two of my absolute favorites—and I completely understand your confusion. I'm not so full of myself to think I'm a perfect quilter, but I thought I had a pretty good idea of what my strengths and weaknesses were. The judges had a completely different idea of what my strengths and weaknesses are, and a completely different assessment of what my best work was. That's confusing, makes me question myself, and makes me question whether I should continue to enter quilt shows. And this is from someone who had one quilt that placed! That should tell you something.
Thanks, Lee. I needed to read this. I didn't feel like my quilt was the ugliest one at QuiltCon, but when I got my judging sheet, I thought THEY thought it was! I understand so much about their perspective, but to see that your quilts were judged harshly, and their comments made you question yourself?? Sigh.
I don't think anyone — MQG Board or MQG members — expected this kind of criticism and backlash about the judging of the quilts.
Thanks. 🙂
Repost due to a typo –
Your post just broke my heart for you – Your quilts – ALL of them and especially those you entered – are fabulous. Those comments weren't the types made in a true critique, and aren't worth the paper they were written on. You are an incredibly talented quilter and designer. Thank you for sharing your work so selflessly on your blog. Your many admirers and followers know and appreciate the beauty in your work, and you do too. Don't let the turkeys get you down.
You have a lot of other comments telling you how amazing your work is (it is!!!) but I'm kind of sad by all the comments dissing the winning quilts. Someone's heart went into those as much as your heart went into yours.
What I wanted to say though, is that art critique can be really valuable. It's hard at first (and WOW they delivered it in a really harsh way!!) but I hope it doesn't really keep you from entering your quilts into future shows. That would be a disservice for all the other people (other than possibly a few judges) who take away something personal and meaningful from being able to see your quilts in person.
Also, it may be tough, but I hope you're able to process the critique (and realize that even though they're not worded that way, they're just suggestions) and perhaps reflect on your work and how YOU would change it, and grow from it. That's what the critiques are really for. I'm very sad that the judges didn't take the time (obviously they had hundreds of quilts to review and they sound rushed) to give the feedback in a more constructive manner, though.
Oh Angela, I'm so sorry to hear that the critiques were confusing and hurtful. I did not enter any quilts in the show myself, but your work is some of my absolute favorite in the blogosphere! And you appear to be a genuine and loving person, which is bonus. 🙂 I can tell from the comments here that your blog post has not gone unnoticed, and will hopefully make people (whether they are judges or blog readers) stop and think before critiquing another person's work… if the impact of their comments are really worth it. Lots of quilty love!
I personally have loved your Thinking Girl small quilt since day one. I believe that judges opinions are like noses, we all have them! Take it with a grain of salt and move on to the next lovely self expression of fabric ART!
I think it's horrible that the judges were so harsh. I hope that the organizers of Quilt Con are following your blog. If many others received such harsh critiques they may start have trouble getting people to enter. Many years ago I was involved with a small quilt show that hired judges that made horrible comments on what "they" considered lesser quilts. After that year and the complaints we received, the judges were reminded to consider the feelings of the quilters and find some good in every quilt. I really feel that we would have lost our participants(and they would have been justified)if we hadn't made the changes. Let's face it…without quilts, quilts shows don't happen.
The comments about your quilt being too personal are just plain ridiculous. Every quilt I make contains something of my personality and tastes. I am not a "modern" quilter and I don't want that label. I find labels too limiting. That said I have made some "modern" quilts and have still found a way to personalize them. I hope that being a modern quilter doesn't mean having to remove all emotion and personalty. I would hate to see quilting, which I consider a very personal art become that sterile. Both of your quilts are lovely. Shame on Quilt Con for hiring such unbending judges.
Piffle upon the judges! They clearly don't know lovely when they see it. The little girl and heart quilt is so charming; dopey judges. And the zigzag is bright and contemporary.
Your work is wonderful, and if the quilt police don't like it, well they clearly don't know quality.
Angela, I absolutely LOVE your quilts entered into the ring of unknown judges!!
I think you said it yourself, don't take it personal (too much) and above all be PROUD of YOUR work!! In my book, you are talented and your blog is an inspiration to me all the time. I wish I had half your quilting talents!! Keep making quilts that make your heart sing and I'll do the same!!
Oh Angela, I'm so sorry. I hope some of these comments have cheered your heart. The mini is one of my all time favourite makes – it is so inspiring and creative! I wish I had made it! The binding on the zigs zags is totally perfect in my opinion!! And it is a beautiful, modern design. Do the things you love Angela, you do it so very well 🙂 xxx
My quilts have been judged in shows, and even when I've won something, like a blue ribbon, there's still something I've done incorrectly. "Points don't meet" or somesuch as that. And when I received a "Best of Show" award, there were STILL criticisms with the unevenness of the quilting designs I chose, or the not appearance of perfectly round quilted circles. I'd bet you money that Victoria Finley Wolfe, the best of show winner, was also critiqued and found wanting in some aspect of her work. Honestly, it's to be expected when you're judged. We all just hope the judges comment in a positive manner that points us to room for improvement. I still like both of your quilts!
The very first quilt I made I entered in the county fair. It was torn to pieces in the judges comments too. I decided that I would just not enter competitions any more. I think quilting is personal. Maybe some people aren
t bothered by the comments they receive. Obviously that is not you or me. Your quilts are beautiful and lots of people looked at them and enjoyed them.
I want to add encouraging words as well. I was at QuiltCon and was really excited to see your quilts in person. For one, because they are both great quilts and secondly because they were made by someone I "know". I have followed your blog for a while and we're Flickr contacts and I'm always excited to see the next thing you make. I definitely felt that there was something very particular the judges were looking for and after a particular lecture, I felt out of place and confused, but after much thought I remembered that I make what I find beautiful/useful and that hopefully blesses others. I'm pretty sure that you have blessed anyone who has received something you have made and that is of more value than the opinion of just a couple people.
You should continue to quilt for YOU not others or judges. Our craft is about what makes us smile inside and out as we create. If you quilt to make the judges happy in one show you will miss the mark on the judges in the next show. Remember they judged many, many quilts and with each one probably looked at each one with a more critical eye. I have judged a show and it was a very hard job. The forms that have to be completed for each quilt are over the top ridiculous. It's a wonder any quilt gets good reviews. Quilt for you not anyone else!
This post gives a whole 'nother meaning to the name of your blog. I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm not part of the "modern" quilting thing but I've been involved in quilting in one way or another for over 40 years. I looked up the judges, and, frankly, I've never heard of either one of them. From the bios on the QuiltCon website, it looks like they aren't primarily quilters. I can't imagine that they've ever judged a quilt show before.
It's not like your work was judged by Olympians in the quilting world. The critiques are just 2 people's opinions. I wouldn't put much stock in anything they said. They only have as much meaning and power over you as you give them. The most important thing is whether YOU are happy with your work.
The too personal comment really makes no sense to me. the most wonderful thing about that quilt is the personal and universal nature of it. Those are the dreams of that girl who may or may not be you. I think we've all been that girl with the dreams. Very confusing. I don't think that's an appropriate comment for a judge to make, design and construction are what should be judged. As for the fabric choice on the zigzag quilt, well that is what fabric is usually supposed to do, serve the design. Weirdness all around.
I am really not surprised there are aleady 143 comments on this posting. I was absolutely horrified when I read what these so called 'judges' had to say! Look I am not a long time quilter, I am sort of old though, and came into quilting quite late in my life but I know what I like and funnily enough I have this knack of choosing things that other people like too. I didn't just like your quilts I absolutely LOVED them. Your mini quilt is absolutely exquisite and I'm not just saying this to make you feel better because if i didn't really love it I would just say nothing which is what I think those two dames should have said NOTHING!!! And your big quilt the color variations from start to finish are exquisite! I haven't read the other comments yet apart from the two that are above mine but I can't imagine anybody had anything but praise. Please don't be upset because they were both true works of art that you should be proud of.
All contest should have standards that are judged. Each piece should start off as a perfect piece. Judges should begin deducting for each element that doesn't meet the standards. Standards help everyone get better, even if they are not currently entering the contest. Surely there is room for aesthetics, and personal preference but it should not dominate the judging. We are all humans and most of us have varied preferences, we pick different life partners, different homes, different cars, etc… When we look back at the "traditional" quilts we should also remember that they didn't strive to follow they used what they had to CREATE!
Today's quilt, "The" Modern Quilt is personal. You select each piece of fabric and color, you cut each shape, you select the type of batting that best suits your design or your needs, you select the type and color of the thread, and finally you select the type of quilting. It's personal.
I'm new to the quilting world, and I've have been scouring the internet, classes, and books to find "MY" interpretation of a modern quilt. Is it in the color choices, the quilting, the fabrics, the techniques, the patterns, or the quilting? Is it the minimalist look that is coherent with modern design in fashion and architecture? It's not clearly spelled out anywhere. One must make this interpretation for themselves…… or chuck caution to the wind and simply create things they love.
Thank you for sharing your experience and reminding me/us to create from within. <3
Side Note: Knowing that Quilt Con's judging is purely subjective and based solely on the opinions of two judges, lowers the value of the contest/conference all together.
I don't consider myself a modern quilter. In truth, I'm not much of a quilter at all. Most of my quilts are made for donations and I make what I like and what I think will appeal to children or adults in need.
What startles me about the criticism you received was not that they did not like your quilts. Even though I personally love them, the judges have a right to their opinion. Experienced judges should be encouraging quilters to further their art. If they felt there was something lacking in your technique or creative vision they should have framed it in a way that would be based on fact and explained in a manner that was not a personal attack.
I am really troubled that this came from judges at a Modern quilt show. Modern quilters have claimed they needed their own guilds and shows because of the pettiness and narrow minded criticism of traditional quilters. Power intoxicates. These judges need a reality check. They are not supposed to be discouraging quilters from participating. A pox on their houses. Bravo to you for having the guts to put your quilts in that show. Thank you for all you do on your blog to encourage and inspire other quilters. I wish those narrow minded judges could have extended the same courtesy to you.
A truly creative experience is a wonderful thing and results in an artwork that is inseparable from its creator. The artist opens themselves up in an extremely vunerable way because when you create something you are exposing your soul. The creator knows in their heart if it is one of your best works to date. However it is also pleasing and encouraging when others can connect to what you have created and love it too. Truly creative people thrive on that feedback from others that shows that they love your work too and appreciate that you have bared your soul.
Because you have exposed so much of yourself in the process of the 'dream' quilt negative feedback hurts so much. You would think that if the judges truly understood the creative process they would get it that balanced feedback was important as it becomes impossible for the artist to not take the comments personally. By the time the world/judges etc get to see an artwork it is very intertwined with the person that created it.
BE PROUD. This piece is gorgeous, brimming with originality, uniqueness and heart. It has substance and depth and it is obvious that it wasn't just a quick 1 hour job to sew together. The girl looks amazing and I know how hard it is to achieve that. The quilt demands the observer to look deep, study all the details and look for the message, the central idea that inspired it.
On creativity alone this piece is STUNNING. (Perhaps when a quilt is displayed the creative process needs to be explained as well to allow the judge to appreciate how your idea gave birth to the final result). The technique is harder to see in a photo but it is obvious that this was no simple quilt to assemble and the result is FANTASTIC.
Keep quilting. I can't wait to see more of your creativeness, heart and soul revealed.
First, I want to join in the loud chorus and say that your girl quilt is one of my all time favorites. I love everything about it and wish I had the talent to make one. Second, I have a cousin who says that the purpose of art is to "shock" us. It seems like the judges thought that, too. I do not feel accepted by the "modern" quilters, and I am definitely not a "traditional" quilter. Thank goodness for blogs in finding a place where I belong!
Oh that is so harsh. I would be devastated too. It seems the definition of modern quilting is even narrower than I thought and my quilts don't fit either. It seems most of us are in no-mans land. I love your quilts, especially the thinking girl.
I think that Quiltcon did themselves, modern quilting and talented modern quilters like you a disservice by not hiring professional, trained judges. It makes me worried that the modern quilting movement (and the MQG) is starting to become more of a cool kids club than anything else. The quilts that won and the names behind them make me worry even more.
Professional judges would never have made comments like these, I'm sure. The feedback is supposed to be positive and constructive. I'm curious as to what the judges thought they would achieve by being mean.
Your work is wonderful and inspirational and a couple of mean judges can never change that. I hope that you never stop creating your wonderful quilts.
Thank you for sharing this! I am sorry that they hurt your feelings. Seems to be a lot of that going on in quilt land these days. I was wondering about some of the winners too and honestly I had some huh moments about a few of them. While I appreciate that the judges were honest-I don't think they should have been mean. Maybe they didn't think it would hurt your feelings but I think that feedback in cases like this should be constructive. Maybe we don't all have an "in" with a great long arm quilter. Hell maybe we can't all afford it. I know I couldn't and have been blessed that my parents have paid to have some of my quilts quilted for me. But shouldn't there be some level of understanding to that. I happen to love your mini quilt. I'm not a fan of Heather Ross's fabrics but the way you used them in that piece was amazing to me and it's a piece I think is super personal. But I tend to agree with you there-isn't that what it's suppose to be about. I could go on but I'll just say-learn from it and come out better on the other side. And THANK YOU for sharing your experience so others can learn from it as well.
Love your blog and your quilts. I have never entered a juried quilt show and after your experience I probably never will. I appreciate that you had the courage to share this with us as I know it wasn't easy. Know that it was very helpful. Keep creating!
Please don't feel ashamed of your work. I'm nobody in the quilt world, but I find your zig-zag quilt to have visual impact and to be quite appealing. It screams modern to me. On the other quilt, I like your quilting and your use of color. It makes no sense to me to comment that a quilt is too personal. A quilt should be exactly as personal as the maker intends.
I suppose the judges are entitled to their opinion, but I don't ever think it's OK to be cruel in a critique. I also believe that any critique should include positives as well as (perceived) negatives.
I believe that you have a lot to be proud of in your work.
Oh, Angela, I hate to hear this!! I truly think you are an exceptional quilter – many of your designs have stuck in my brain and inspired me to step outside of my comfort zone and try new things! I hate to hear that you've had a run in with the quilt nazis (police seems like too kind a word!) and please please please don't let it affect the way you continue on in the future!!! You have a fabulous gift and are so generous to share it with the world!!
I'm off to the quiltcon website to see if there's anywhere to complain about the lousy treatment you received!
OK, I came to my senses before I left a scathing note for the judges or a post on the facebook page, but I will not be visiting Purl Soho the next time I go to NYC!
You belong to us, Angela – and we'll never be mean to you!!
Angela, I'm glad you decided to air this hear so that the realities have a place to surface. I know that confrontation is not your thing. I was also confused by the judging at QuiltCon, but figured I was biased since my quilts were in the show. Now I am not at all looking forward to reading my critique letters, although I do typically crave criticism. Any judge that remarks a quilt is "overly critical" has lost my attention.
Poo on them! I love your quilts and am truely inspired by each and every quilt you make and share with us.
I've always thought that even the harshest thing can beside to sound encouraging if put the right way (I'm hoping I worded that so it makes sense to someone other than me). Obviously the judges need a lesson on how it works.
I will say in all honestly that although the zig zag quilt doesn't blow me away, I can tell a lot of hard work went into it. The only reason I say that is so that you'll know how much I truly LOVE your appliqué quilt!!! As soon as I get to a real computer it is going on my blog inspiration board on Pinterest 🙂
Oh Angela, love 'n' hugs honey.
I think Quilt Con should take note, their judges need to execute their critiquing more professionally. Critiquing should be inspiring, it should be helpful, not soul destroying. It should always include positive comments as well as any negative ones.
Quilting is personal, how on earth can it be anything else, ridiculous comment.
I love your take on the zig-zag, and your daydreaming girl is such a positive image, delightful and totally inspiring.
Keep doing your stuff Angela, we the people, love it!
I LOVE both quilts! They are fantastic. Perhaps the judges need to refresh themselves on what quilting is all about? Or perhaps new judges?
Funny, you are about the 3rd blog I have seen with similar experiences. One was from a blogger who submitted a quilt that was not excepted. In my opinion, her quilt was about as modern as it could get! She actually went to the show and was perplexed why her quilt did not get accepted. I agree with you whole heartedly! WHAT THE HELL IS A MODERN QUILTER???? It seems to me the modern quilt movement was created because they were not being accepted by traditional quilters, only to now be rejected as a modern quilters by….MODERN QUILTLERS? It's very confusing. I thought there were no rules. I watched the Craftsy videos lectures. I liked ALL of the lectures. Very informative. If you haven't checked them out, look at Mary Fons definition of a modern quilter. Her lecture was great! She says ANYONE who is quilting now, is a modern quilter:) I would hope that modern quilting is not reduced to only abstract art.That is way to narrow. Don't let them get you down! You are a great quilter full of original ideas!
I totally misspelled "excepted" a-c-c-e-p-t-e-d. Blogging makes me realize I'm a lousy speller :/
Angela, I have long followed your blog and long admired your quilts and love the inspiration you give me, particularly with your "personal" quilts, which, I can tell you, speak volumes to others. I love the whimsy and playfulness you incorporate into the spirit of your quilts, and I say spirit because I believe that each piece we create is a part of us and should be. You do wonderful work and your wonderful spirit shines through it 🙂
I entered a modern quilt in the local county fair and got far nicer and more constructive feedback. My quilt was absolutely not what they were used to, but they accepted it for what it was and were both appreciative and helpful. In this case it seems like the judges' feedback all about aesthetic and personal taste with no objectivity at all.
From everything that I have heard and read, I am starting to form a picture that the MQG is really close-minded in the end. "Modern is what we say, and if you aren't modern we aren't interested." It makes my heart hurt because I love how people are excited by seeing quilts like the ones you entered and they decide to start quilting because of it.