Monday Moments

Sitting here trying to work up the energy to type up a post on Monday Morning and I think I’ve become inspired to start one of those blogging days where you just post a picture and let it speak for itself.

So let me introduce Monday Moments.  I’ll be sharing a picture or two from my weekend that says more than words.  Enjoy.

Monday Moments

22 thoughts on “Monday Moments”

  1. ok – so I only just realised the background fabric has a directional print in it! AND YOU'VE MATCHED IT DIRECTIONALLY!!!!

    you. are. brilliant.


  2. I looked online for a flowering snowball quilt pattern and there are many variations, but not this one. Can you please post a link to the pattern? Thank you.

  3. Stunning just stunning. What chart is it from please? Not that I would be able to do this – but maybe one day before I become too infirm and old.

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