We still like work in progress posts right? Because trust me, I’m not always working at pace that allows me to show you all completed projects every week or multiple times a week. Real life rears its head often enough to derail my progress (for instance I have to take a sick toddler to the doctor today and pray she doesn’t have strep). I had planned on working on this project more, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles. 😉
I’m working on a bit of a long term paper piecing project called O Holy Night. I bought the pattern last year from Paper Panache and intended to have it done for this past Christmas. With the best of intentions I pulled it out in November intending to finish it in the month of December. Ha! December is a hugely busy month for me and that was unrealistic. So I’m working on it now and will be done VERY MUCH in time for Christmas of next year. 😉 My current progress…
It’s pretty intense. I only have four pieces left of out of about 20 sections that make this…but as you can see they are particularly tiny and complex.
To get myself going again (I got stalled when I worked on some tiny sections and got overwhelmed) I started with some of the “larger” pieces. Here are some finished sections that I’ve been able to sew together already.
The star of Bethlehem
The beautiful palm tree
And here is the killer section of tiny pieces…Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. All my tiniest pieces are in here and have to be added here. But it will all be worth it.
One thing that I really love about this pattern is the guide that was provided to label what fabrics you used for what abbreviation…because trust me, that is harder to keep track of than you would think. Especially if you set the project aside for even a few days, let alone a few months. I need to remember to do this with all major paper pieced projects I do.
So this is what I’m spending my time on right now. I had hoped to have it finished by the end of last week, but I’ve extended my own personal deadline to the end of this week. I’m still deciding how I want to finish it…a border? Quilted? Framed? Any suggestions out there? Anyone else made this before? Let me know!
I'm super jealous of your paper piecing skills. Seriously, impressive! Let's see, I would frame it for sure. More specifically, I'd probably use raw pallet wood or the like. Something rustic and barnyard feeling. In fact, I have a bunch of pallets…so when you're done…feel free to send it my way. Ha! Xxo
lol! Thanks for the offer to take it off my hands. I think I'm keeping this one 😉 But the wood pallet idea is quite interesting. I will definitely keep that in mind.
This thing is ADORABLE!! I want it…. SEW cute, I do love FPP but this is a LOT, but who doesn't want a challenge?? right? How about a small wall hanging or pillow?
did you see this one? with advent pockets?
It's always good to be prepared ;o)
When your post came up, I was totally surprised because this very piece hangs in my kitchen. A very dear friend made it for me for Christmas and I love it so much that we leave it hanging all year round in our kitchen. It doesn't appear out of place, like a Christmas tree would, but is more a sign of faith. I knew it was labor intensive but didn't real realize how much until I saw your pictures. It's time to send my friend another thank you because it really does bring me so much joy.
Oh it is looking GREAT! I have the Nativity scene pattern by Paper Panache and haven't even taken it out of its packet yet. I think it will have to wait until at least 2015…
It's looking beautiful and you should win a prize for your perseverance.
What a great pattern! I tend to start with the parts that have the most pieces. I also tend to string piece, so, all the parts get done quicker. I'd love to make that one. Hope your daughter is doing better now.