This post is devoted entirely to the lovely Marilyn/Spiced Coffee. Today I received the most lovely package from her which she described as a little something extra for our charming mini swap. I thought maybe she sending me a little notepad or something. But no….she fed my love of fabric and my new obsession with three charming Munki Munki prints!!!
I didn’t own any of them and each one is cuter than the one before! I was just speechless when I opened the package. What a wonderful surprise. To be honest, at first I was jealous when I opened the package because I thought it was fabric for one of my bees and that I would be sending it back to its true owner. And then I realized that it was actually for me and I could keep it!! Woohoo!
Up close they are sooo cute! (sorry I was too excited to take the time to iron them before photographing them)
Bicycles on white!
Sweet Kitties! I love kitties.
And Vans on Blue!! Too cool!
With all this Munki Munki I’m collecting, I’m starting to picture a fabulous quilt that will make me jealous even to own it! I’ve been eying the bride fabric next…it’s so cute and unusual.
So thank you thank you thank you Marilyn! It was truly a lovely mail day and I would take you as a partner any time. In fact, no one else can have you from now on! LOL.
You are one lucky girl and I am a teeny weeny bit jealous! I NEED Munki love too, you have convinced me! What about this for a plan….everytime I order fabric from Kerri @ Sew Deerly Loved I could just pop a piece of Munki in? Sounds good to me!!!!
HOw very lovely! I made a bib from the VW campers for my Bug when he was a baby and I have a very soft spot for it- my family car growing up was a VW Kombi Ute!
What a nice surprise to wake up to this morning! It's so much fun to give things to people who appreciate them! What a lovely partner you are!
Lucky you! I adore the Van print – I'm really hoping it will be re-released sometime …