
Despite a bit of a brain meltdown while trying to work on my 3 x 6 Bee Blocks (that’s what doing complicated blocks at night will do to you!), I was finally able to get some of them complete. Not all of course…that would be miraculous. But I’m halfway done. Woohoo! I need to send them in the mail which is really easy because you can just pop these in a regular envelope and set them out for the postman. Our mail came early today or I would have gotten them out. LOL.

Some of you might remember when I was working on this pattern before. It’s one of my own and I’m not currently sharing. 😉 I would like to do my own tutorial for a set in pieced circle because I think that it’s interesting to see what works for someone. I looked at a lot of different tutorials over the past few years for the best way to put circles into a quilt and right now this is definitely a favorite. So, promises promises…but I do hope to get a tutorial up for you all soon. I took the photos and everything, but of course, now I want to tweak it and I think that I need to redo all those. LOL. Can we say, perfectionist? No really, I just want to be as clear as possible and as helpful as possible…so it needs a little work before I set out to explain the method to my madness. But enough chatter…what are these blocks that I’m rambling on about? Well…they are these. 😉







Do you like them? The piecing of the interior circle with the twelve matching points is pretty d*!m difficult. And that of course is why I have made so many (I also made one for me and a few others…). I needed to perfect it for a super-secret sewing project…ooohhh…ahhhh….so mysterious. LOL. But that part is not necessary to learn how to piece a circle inside a square, which is really what I want to share with you all. So remind me to get that done!

Three more of these babies to go. Hopefully, they’ll be considered worth the wait.

9 thoughts on “Progress”

  1. I am going to be watching for your tutorial. I am fascinated by these blocks, and so impressed the pattern is your own creation.
    Lovely, lovely blocks.

  2. The circle itself is complicated, but the 12 points in the center was probably the worst part of it all! The blocks look great!

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