This is part of an ongoing series of posts for The Super Mario Brothers Quilt Along I’m hosting here on my blog. You can join in at any time! You will find the links to all steps here. Please share your makes on Instagram with #supermariobrosquilt. Also please feel free to join the Super Mario Brothers Quilt Along Flickr Group. This post reviews the Shyguy and Mushrooms blocks, which you can find in the free quilt guide that you can download here.
Get my FREE Super Mario Brothers quilt guide
This free downloadable PDF quilt guide includes diagrams for each of the blocks in the Mario Quilt, as well as fabric requirements, color suggestions, and cutting directions.
Subscribe to my newsletter below and the quilt guide will be immediately ready to download. Note: Current subscribers can re-enter their email but won’t be double subscribed.
♪do do da do. Da do da do…do do da do do do da do do do♪
Ready? It’s Shy Guy and Mushroom time!
Mushrooms are your friends, but that shy guy isn’t. You’ve got to watch out for them. I don’t know about you but the Shy Guys remind me of the bad guys from Scream. A little creepy! But the mushrooms just make me smile. They only do happy things for you like give you extra lives or make you grow big and strong. Yay mushrooms!
These are the last three blocks in our QAL and I’m putting them all up today so that we can all catch up and get on to the sashing dimensions and directions. I know that there have been questions about that. I honestly want to get this quilt done by Christmas, so I’m sure some of you do as well.
I can’t wait to finish up the last three blocks!
Thank you so much for these!
It has been awhile, but I finally picked this project back up this week and managed to finish block two, Luigi. Woo! Such a fun design– thanks so much for all of your work and for sharing it! 🙂
Ok- so after like 6 lame attempts, I finally linked up ;D I really should take a nap or get a diet Pepsi ;D …wait!!! It's 7pm. I can just go to bed 😀
Thanks for the AWESOME qal! The blocks are FAB!!!
ps- my Fire Flower link won't work until Wed AM as that is when I scheduled it to post 🙁 Mixing and matching blog posts with Flickr photos is new to me 🙂
Thank you Angela. I have just posted all my blocks on my blog and linked to you. Thanks for all the patterns too!
Someday, I will make (some of) these!!