This is part of an ongoing series of posts for The Super Mario Brothers Quilt Along I’m hosting here on my blog. You can join in at any time! You will find the links to all steps here. Please share your makes on Instagram with #supermariobrosquilt. Also please feel free to join the Super Mario Brothers Quilt Along Flickr Group. This post reviews the ? block, which you can find in the free quilt guide that you can download here.
Get my FREE Super Mario Brothers quilt guide
This free downloadable PDF quilt guide includes diagrams for each of the blocks in the Mario Quilt, as well as fabric requirements, color suggestions, and cutting directions.
Subscribe to my newsletter below and the quilt guide will be immediately ready to download. Note: Current subscribers can re-enter their email but won’t be double subscribed.
♪do do da do. Da do da do…do do da do do do da do do do♪
Ready? It’s ? Block time!
The ? Block is always full of excitement. What exactly will be found when you bump your head up against that block?! Bunches of coins? A red mushroom to grow? The possibilities will keep you on your toes…or rather off of them as you jump to reach that block.
It’s Block #5 in our QAL and I apologize for being a little behind on getting this guy posted. Life happens and keeping up the pace can be difficult. But I’m determined to be a little more timely with future blocks. Now I just need to sew together both my cloud and this ? block. But first I need to get over my cold.
Be sure to add your creations to the flickr group so we can all see how we are doing!
There are bunches of blocks there and I get so excited with each one knowing that there is a happy Mario fan out there who will be getting a quilty fun gift!
this is so fun! I wish I'd found this a few months ago. I'm currently working on a mario quilt but it's not done in blocks. It's one of carolina patchwork's patterns.
Yay! Looking good. I have a cold too and the kids started school today so slow is good! 🙂 Hope you feel better soon!
Yay! Looking good. I have a cold too and the kids started school today so slow is good! 🙂 Hope you feel better soon!
Your blocks are soo cool! Thanks for making them in pdf format and having them available for free 🙂
BING!! I want coins 🙂 nice block
So I never played, but I love the 3Dness of that! I made a Mario pillow for a friend (not in me to do a quilt atm) and I sure wish he'd show up Wednesday so I can post it to my hearts content without spoiling the surprise!
Hope you feel better soon.
I love these posts. Thanks for sharing. I love watching everyone's progress on Flickr. It seems though that some of the pictures are missing. Bummer that someone would take down their photos.
I was wondering, is this QAL one that you're just posting blocks as you get them done? Or is it on a time-based schedule?
Ooh, love the shot at the bottom with several of the blocks!
Found you via google and can't thank you enough for a wonderful, easy to follow tutorial. This will be too much fun to make! Thank you!!