Reindeer Games

Hey all,
You know that I’ve been interested more and more in embroidery right? Well, I’ve been making a little progress. I’ve tried to take some of your advice and then plow ahead. I found a set of quirky but hopefully not too cutesy reindeer for some kind of Christmas something and I’m working my way along…I’m on my third reindeer. I’ll admit that I’m pretty much only using a backstitch at this point because that’s all I’ve figured out. (I haven’t looked at the online tutorials yet). But I do think I pulled off a couple of french knots, and really, no one is here to tell me differently. 😉 My filling stitches need definite work, but they’re okay…until I look at a “real” embroiderer’s work. lol

Reindeer Games

ETA: A number of you seem interested in where I got the patterns.  I bought this set at my local Joann’s but I don’t see it on their site.  This is the package and I noticed that an Etsy shop is selling one…although I’m sure you can find them in all kinds of places. 😉 oh and I’m using a dmc perle cotton size 8 in three colors.

Reindeer Games

Check it out!

Reindeer Games

Reindeer Games

229 thoughts on “Reindeer Games”

  1. Hmmm, reindeer. I'm not sure how this would work but I was thinking it would be cute to make a Santa bag with reverse applique circles where the reindeer are showing through each circle. Sort of like Santa taking his reindeer pals with him while he's delivering toys in the house!

  2. Your backstitch is looking mighty fine Angela. I might make a 4-paned Christmas pillow with those adorable reindeer, or a long narrow wall-hanging for a door? And I had a look at a real live copy of the Modern Blocks book last night at my VMQG meeting and all of your blocks are so faboo!!!!

  3. This may surprise you, but I am a follower of your blog. You could make a reindeer block and place it strategically somewhere.

    There. I've shot my creativity wad right there. Embroidery floss might help. 😉

  4. I think a Christmas quilt would be cute, especially if you're going to make all the reindeer! Also, your fill stitches look good, what kind of thread/number of strands are you using? I find that using a Perle cotton or an extra strand of thread gives a nice look to the fillers.

  5. Very nice embroidery! I love Prancer. How about stockings for a family that has 8 children!? 🙂
    I follow you with Google Reader, I hope that counts. I do so love embroidery! but I think I've told you that before!

  6. I love those reindeer!! They are so cute!
    Prob won't work for you if you want them all together (depends how big they are I guess!) but I've recently been thinking about making a hot water bottle cover for a friend… one side xmas themed and one side not 🙂

  7. I am still following…didn't get lost at all. I think your reindeer would make a sweet pillow. I would say placemats too but they are likely to get ruined that way.

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