Week 6!!! We’re almost there!
It’s that time again! Fabric Diet Check in time…tell us your struggles or your triumphs.
And if you haven’t done so, don’t forget to sign up for the giveaway that started yesterday.
Oh, and if you want to read a post by me today, you can find me as a guest blogger over at 13 Woodhouse Road talking about my system for scrap storage. It might be helpful for those you of you who are organizing your stash while you’re dieting…or just like to be organized! Oh and you can sign up for a fat quarter giveaway while you are there! Fabric giveaways everywhere!
5 solid weeks and I finally cracked! From week 1, I've really wanted a Weekends FQ bundle. Throughout the diet I've noticed them becoming harder and harder to come by, so I took the plunge. I was finally able to track down 1/2 yards at Quilt Home and then found a fab Flickr friend to split a bundle with. I'm really happy with what I got, and the diet has still prevented me from "stocking up" on unnecessary fabrics.
Failed again. There was some FMF for cheap on ebay (well, cheap for FMF), and I got while the getting was hot. 😉
I've actually been good and not bought a thing 🙂
It was a good week! I swapped a bit, and am sorting through my stash, reorganizing and getting ready to donate some of the things I know I won't use to the local guild for charity quilts. I've done my best to stay off of Etsy, and I don't even open the sale emails I've been getting!
I have been good! Althought I have been finding myself looking at more and more new fabrics lines online and fabric sales! But I realzied something, new fabric collection come out faster than I can sew to keep up wihh them! We are moving soon, so I have been really pushing myself even more to sew with it all! I am glad there is this great push to stay on the diet!
I didn't buy anything, even though I tortured myself by going to a fabric store with my sister. I have found 85 new fabrics that I "need" though. Is there a support group?
i was good this week of the diet as well.