I’m pleased to be on today’s stop for the blog hop for Heidi Staples new book, Sew Organized for the Busy Girl : Tips to Make the Most of Your Time & Space. It includes 23 Quick and Clever Sewing Projects as well! Oh and let’s talk about how freaking adorable her book cover is!!
Heidi actually interviewed me a while back and a couple of words of “wisdom” from me can be found in the pages along with thoughtful tips from other bloggers and designers you may know. If you find the project below, I’m on the page across from it. It made me quite happy to be right near this sweet project. lol Irrational but true.
Perhaps my favorite thing of all about Heidi’s book, projects and all, is her introduction. She is encouraging us all to add more JOY to our lives. If you are reading this, then I don’t think I need to tell you that sewing can add huge joy if we let ourselves have some time and drop some deadlines or self imposed vision of what our sewing should be. We just need to recapture or continue with the joy of sewing.
Today I wanted to showcase one of the projects from Heidi’s book in particular: her Dotty Hexagon Pillow. It struck a cord with me because it reminded me so much of a pillow I made a while back for The Pillow Talk Swap back in the day. She’s added this lovely extra element of “dots” using white hexagons as a polka dot. She also gives tips for sewing Hexagons and refers to my friend Tacha’s Book, Hexa-Go-Go as a source for working with Hexagons.
Here’s the pillow I made use EPP and also a charm pack from Kona and the accuquilt Go! baby.
It was so fun to go back and look over that project. You can check out my original post on that HERE.
And as I mentioned, I love Heidi’s version that uses white hexagons as polka dots. Oh and her pillow is rectangular rather than square. Clearly Heidi and I love many of the same things!
I hope you all will follow along on the great blog hop that is set up for the book and see many more of the projects. There are lots of little organizing projects!! Oh and hop back to Lynne’s post and see if you can still get in on the giveaway there for a copy of the book.
Just lovely!
I like the way you quilted the hexies. I will have to remember that when (if) I get mine put together.
Perkenalkan, saya dari tim kumpulbagi. Saya ingin tau, apakah kiranya anda berencana untuk mengoleksi files menggunakan hosting yang baru?
Jika ya, silahkan kunjungi website ini http://www.kumpulbagi.com untuk info selengkapnya.
Oh ya, di sana anda bisa dengan bebas mendowload music, foto-foto, video dalam jumlah dan waktu yang tidak terbatas, setelah registrasi terlebih dahulu. Gratis 🙂
I really like how you've quilted it and cleverly outlined those diamond shapes between the lines! Very pretty!
Love the quilted lines on your pillow – will have to try that soon