I filmed a DVD!

What?! Crazy!  I filmed a DVD and it is now available for download or hard copy purchase from Interweave.  I’ve got to admit that I’m tickled over the fact that my face is on the cover of this.  I know that they took that shot just in between segments of shooting and I was exhausted. lol  So frankly I’m fairly impressed that I don’t look like a disaster.  My picture isn’t even IN my book. I’m still shaking my head in disbelief that is on this DVD.  This DVD of me. speaking. all by myself.

Okay.  Thanks for processing that with me.  lol  Now let me tell you a bit about the DVD. You might be shocked (insert sarcastic tone) to find that it is a DVD on sewing curves.  I swear I do a lot more than sew curves, but for the moment I’m just diving in and exploring all kinds.

Throughout the DVD I explore and show you how to sew Drunkard’s Path blocks, Apple core, Flowering Snowballs, Clam shells, Improv Curves and even ovals.  It’s a very thorough look at different types of curves and my tips and tricks for handling them. I take you through cutting, pinning, piecing, sewing, ironing and combing shapes together…to ultimately showing a finished product for each.  There are lots of project ideas to inspire you.

I know that a lot of people are intimidated by curves and I think after you watch this, you will have a great deal of insight into what is easy and what is tricky.  And I have no doubt that you will want to start a curved shape of your own in one manner or another.

This is a technique based workshop DVD and my goal in making it, is to make the task of sewing curves feel approachable and exciting.  I want to take any mystery out of the process and make sewing curves that much more accessible.  The reality is that often we need to SEE someone creating to understand how they do it rather than just read about it or try to follow diagrams in a book.

Oh and just to show that I’m not all serious and heavy about this, my husband pointed out that I say the word “lovely” quite a bit in the DVD (yes, I have watched it myself…that was a little odd…but I’ve actually watched it twice from beginning to end to hear every word and thought I had).  There are worse things you could say than “lovely” but we got a big kick out of it and we started shouting out “LOVELY!” each time I said it.  We thought it might make a good drinking game if you were so inclined 😉

128 thoughts on “I filmed a DVD!”

  1. What was overheard a quilt guild meeting when to women were talking to each other:
    "My husband is an angel!"
    "You're lucky, mine is still alive!"

  2. I have bought for the past few months all items I have discovered or researched that I need for curves; however I have yet to actually sew curves. I didn't think I was intimidated until it actually came to the ACTUAL act. I have loved watching this come from the very beginning when you shared the funny picture of the mic guy down your shirt! haha. This is now another product I believe I need to do my curves… geeze! Thanks though and I am so happy it is you!

    I don't have a funny story to share unfortunately; but whenever I get this DVD, I may or may not just video me and a few others playing that drinking game like they do on Bravo for every time you state "Lovely". It's ok though, I have a huge thing for the words "Literally" and "Totally" and nobody should be offended when I refer to them as "dude" (male or female)… I blame it on being from Southern Calfornia.

  3. My kiddo, husband, and puppy (well super fat, tiny head and tiny legged 6yo dog) really keep me cracked up. They all also bring me tremendous joy! Congrats on the DVD!

  4. The look on my husband's face when our little rescue Dachshund "Mollie" wakes up from her nightly post dinner nap, slinks over to stand in front of his chair, lowers her ears as far as they go, and kinda whines a little… What she is saying is "It's 8:00, please go get the peanut butter, I'm hungry again". It makes my husband smile from his toes up, Mollie is such a sweetheart!

  5. Thanks for the giveaway. My daughter makes me smile everyday, she is 11. Last week she came home to tell me her dance team was going to have an end of the year party and the were going to have a "gold bucket". Confused, she preceded to tell me it is where everyone brings a dish to share. I said do you mean "potluck"…

  6. I have your book and I plan on making the medallion baby quilt as an IG swap mini. Please come and hold my hand, as I'm terrified of curves? Or I guess I'll hope to win or buy a DVD of you instead. That would be LOVELY. 😉

  7. I am happiest whenever my dear Hubby or Dear Son call me unexpectedly to tell me they love me. Makes my heart melt and my happiness soar. Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. My mom makes me laugh over the silliest things every few days. We are both quilters and really enjoy fabric shopping and going on retreats w/our friends. Congrats on your DVD!

  9. My son always makes me laugh- currently he's convinced that dragons are real. You know, because they have a book about them at kindergarten!

    thanks for the chance to win!

  10. That is SOOOO exciting!
    I can't really think of anything funny right now. The flu has made it to our house and I am feeling pretty miserable. But, I do have a good Netflix recommendation (I'm planning on watching it tonight). Our new favorite over here is Wolfblood. Teen werewolves in Britain. Cool accents, not gory/creepy at all, very family friendly and three seasons to watch – while you piece curves. 🙂

  11. Since a friend has challenged me to notice the good that people do, I will tell you I had a joyful moment today as a woman reached an item for a child who was getting something her mom needed. Legs too short she thought she had failed when an older woman saw her predicament and just handed it to her with a smile. BTW I was on my way to hand her the item. We can do the little things.

  12. What a great DVD! I've wanted to make a 30s reproduction drunkards path quilt for years. I own yards and yards of 30s fabric and several drunkards path patterns and templates. I think this may be just what I need to push me toward finally making my quilt.

  13. Congratulations on the DVD! I'm excited to watch it and tackle some curves. Here's a joke that my 3-year-old loves to tell: How do bumblebees get to scool? In a school buzz!

  14. Congratulations!! Apple cores and flowering snowballs are on my to sew list so I would love to win. I'm not good with jokes but we got this one in a cracker this year and I saved it in my purse because it made me chuckle… What's ET short for?… Because he's only got little legs. Ok maybe that's only funny after a drinking game 😉

  15. I think you look LOVELY. And honestly I use that word so I just think you are part of my family. Congrats on the video. 🙂 Ok I only know two jokes but here goes. There were 3 little moles that lived up on the hill and you know they get into their house through a very little hole. In that mole hole there lived papa mole, mama mole and baby mole. One day Papa Mole poked his head out of the hole took a deep breathe and said "ohhhhh I smell bacon cooking". Mama Mole wanted to smell too so somehow she managed to wiggle up next to Papa Mole. Mama Mole took a deep breathe and said "Ahhhhhhhhh I smell pancakes.". Baby Mole wanted to smell too so he pushed and poked and wiggled and couldn't seem to get anywhere and Baby Mole sighed and said "All I smell is molasses."
    That is it. 🙂 Have a good day. Thanks for a great giveaway. (debbie at wowilikethat dot com)

  16. I think you look LOVELY. And honestly I use that word so I just think you are part of my family. Congrats on the video. 🙂 Ok I only know two jokes but here goes. There were 3 little moles that lived up on the hill and you know they get into their house through a very little hole. In that mole hole there lived papa mole, mama mole and baby mole. One day Papa Mole poked his head out of the hole took a deep breathe and said "ohhhhh I smell bacon cooking". Mama Mole wanted to smell too so somehow she managed to wiggle up next to Papa Mole. Mama Mole took a deep breathe and said "Ahhhhhhhhh I smell pancakes.". Baby Mole wanted to smell too so he pushed and poked and wiggled and couldn't seem to get anywhere and Baby Mole sighed and said "All I smell is molasses."
    That is it. 🙂 Have a good day. Thanks for a great giveaway. (debbie at wowilikethat dot com)

  17. Love, love love your book, and I'm currently planning my next quilt from it. — your Arabian Nights pattern! What makes me happy — sewing curves! I work in a bank and spending time in my sewing room making quilts with curves puts a smile in my face every time– even when things go a bit skew-whiff, and I have to wield the seam ripper! Look forward to seeing you on the DVD.

  18. Cannot wait to get my joy from your lovely DVD! Really, my two darling and devoted dogs give me such a laugh each morning on our amazing nature trail walk. We even saw a river otter in the swamp! What a cutie.

  19. I am trying to learn how to sew curves at the moment, so your DVD is very timely 🙂 And to make you laugh – my boys thought my latest sewing project (scalloped bunting) looked like bras!

  20. congratulations, this is so wonderful. I have not attempted curves yet. After all the wedding sewing is finished and the wedding is behind us. I get a lot of joy serving the elderly. Our cat, Shadow is a tickle and always makes us laugh. I love to find things through out the day that make me happy. I feel it is important to look at the day as: the glass is half full. sorry I am not good at jokes. Hope you have a great day. Look around you and find the little things we take for granted or take time to really look at something.

  21. Congrats on your accomplishment! My grandfather used to tell cheesy jokes all the time. I can only remember one of them but it has stuck with me for some time. Sometimes it pops into my head and makes me smile. Oh boy, here is the joke.. If you fart in church where do they put you? Ready….. The pew. hahaha ok. I bet there are crickets chirping on your end.

    Anyway, cute puppies and my Boston Terrier makes me smile.

  22. Congrats on your dvd. So exciting! There are a lot worse things you could say than "lovely". I'm afraid of curves, curves on my hips and butt, but I'm ready to tackle the curves in quilting. Thanks for the giveaway. And thanks for making me smile this early morning. Camille@focus20.com

  23. Congratulations on your DVD. I'd say that accomplishing things makes me happy. Just finished painting my bedroom so I'm happy. And now I need to finish the new quilt to match, then I'll be really happy!

  24. I bought a special foot for my sewing machine at a quilt show four years ago that is supposed to be great for sewing curves. Last year in June at a quilt show, I learned that it's supposed to be super for any 1/4" scant seam. I still have not had that foot on my machine and I still haven't tried curves – that's how scared I am of them.

  25. You're so cute!!! I get great big smiles when I get videos of my youngest grandchild (4 months old) giggling for his momma as she entertains him! He giggles all over!

  26. I don't mind curves, but would love to get better at them! Each day, and all the different things going on around me, make me the happiest—the older I get, the faster time seems to go! robinsheloratearthlinkdotnet

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