Simply Charming Tablecloth

Oh I didn’t realize that this was going up today! But I have a tablecloth pattern up over at Moda Bake Shop today.

This is a great pattern that only needs 2 charm packs and lets you dive into some fabrics and USE them! I used Liz Scott’s Domestic Bliss line plus a Bella solid and the new grey dottie backing.

simply charming table cloth

349 thoughts on “Simply Charming Tablecloth”

  1. Love the table cloth and left a message on the recipe. Favorite perfume is 'Anais anais' or more to the point the only one that likes me. When ever I wear some thing different I usually get a comment like "whats that smell!"

  2. I just left you some love at the Bake Shop. This tablecloth is adorable. And the timing is perfect. I have been thinking about making one for a couple weeks.

    I wear Beautiful or Miracle. When I remember. Mostly my morning routine gets thrown off by my darling daughters who need something.

  3. Great tutorial over at Moda Bakeshop! I appreciate your photos and instruction for mitered corners! Oh, my favorite perfume is White Diamonds…diamonds (and fabric) are a girl's best friend!

  4. I don't do perfumes well on account of my sensitive snout. 🙂 They mostly make me sneeze. I really do love body splashes from Bath & Body works but even those I must use lightly. Although there is one perfume (and the only one) that I adore. It's Beautiful by Estee Lauder. Gosh that stuff smells soooo good.

  5. I left a comment on the moda "recipe"…love the tablecloth! And for perfume – I have to admit that the only thing that I wear that is perfumed is the Bath and Body Works lotions. I used to work in a "scent free" workplace so I got out of wearing any perfume at all. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  6. I don't wear perfume and I wish that most people would apply their perfume more sparingly than they do. (scented lotions, fabric softeners, fall into this plea too!) Being rather sensitive with my olfactory abilities can be a problem most days.

  7. for the record — I left a comment before there was a giveaway… just sayin'
    But no fair for having a giveaway post right after my post, because well… I think people should get an extra entry if they leave a comment on my post too. 🙂
    I have a few favorite perfumes, but I haven't worn them since I was pregnant with Steiger —
    – Dior Jadore (I don't know how to do the accent on the a)
    – Chanel Allure (they rhyme, see?)
    – DKNY…the green apple one… Be Delicious I think. 🙂

  8. I don't wear perfume anymore. But I had quite an addiction in high school. I always wore the Benetton scent 'Color', because that was so super cool.

  9. I can't wear perfume…allergies! But the worst for me are men who bathe in the stuff! Oh, that is torture to be out in public and have to deal with it.

  10. I haven't worn perfume in about 10 years. I spritzed on a very yummy perfume (wish I could remember which) and wore it to work. The only guy (who just happened to be dreamy) in our office was usually flirting with my boss, but he LOVED that perfume, and after complimenting it for the 10th time in an hour, my boss got jealous and demanded that I douse myself in her nail polish remover to get rid of the smell since it was bothering her "allergies". I've been too scared to wear anything since! (Boy, that was a long comment, and now that I think about it, that boss was really crazy!)

  11. I've never been a perfume person and just use the occasional scented lotion. A principal at the middle school I worked at used to wear so much that the kids would know if she was around and would change their behavior accordingly.

  12. I was almost not going to comment, but then I totally said OMG when I read that your favorite perfume is Chanel Chance because that's mine too! I came across a little sample bottle years ago, and it just smells fantastic!

  13. Perfume – I can't wear it because it gives me headaches. My widowed grandmother used to wear a perfume named Ambush. It always gives me a hilarious mental picture when I remember that.

  14. I wear Chanel 5 or 19 and Coco. I find that the Chanels are the least likely of all the perfumes I own to make people sneeze or get headaches etc. I love Oscar too, and Bucheron is another of my favorites. Paloma Picasso is good too. I can go on and on, I love perfume!

  15. I don't wear perfume…haven't in years. But my favorite men's cologne is Bobby Jones….they just discontinued it and my husband bought every box he could find…just a small hoarding issue 😉

  16. My perfume is Eternity, which is exactly how long I intend to wear it. No funny stories about it though I do have friends that when hugging me will sigh, "Aw, you smell like Carly." Makes me smile every time.

  17. Left a comment- love the table cloth. Perfume- Jo Malone scents are amazing- Grapefruit or Lime Basil and Mandarin. I can't wear them but love to smell them. And Paloma Picasso- reminds me of my mum

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