Well today I got some serious work done on my doll quilt. I don’t know how I did it because I had visitors and watched the girl all day and went to dinner at someone’s house…but I did. I think it’s because I posted a progress picture in the middle of the day on flickr and got such positive feedback that it spurred me on to keep working the quilt. So I have finished the background of the quilt. Basically I did the whole colored side today which involved almost exclusively curved piecing. And if you’ve ever done curved piecing you know that it takes a bit more time than straight seams and is a little more tricky. But I was happy with the results after I redid my first attempt! LOL.
I squeezed in the unicorn and the “emerald city” and the mermaids…along with a little coven of witches on the dark side. Everything is from someone else’s wonderful fabric and I’m just taking advantage of their great designs. I still have some major work to do on this including the rainbow and the tree. Plus there are lots of little details to add and of course actually quilting this.
In this picture you can see some of the details more closely. I started one piece of applique with the “rocks” making a cliff dividing the unicorn from the pond. But it needs to be stitched down yet. I think that everything from here on out will be some sort of applique or embellishment. Oh and the quilting… Have to remember that this will actually be a quilt.
It’s been interesting to work on this…moments of hate and moments of love. But that’s pretty typical for almost anything I make. I’m pretty extreme about my creations. 🙂 I haven’t really tackled anything like this before and I’m still fairly convinced that my next doll quilt will be a complicated geometric pattern…because I’m very confident with that. But it’s always good to stretch yourself. If you don’t, then you never get any better. You have to take risks to have great rewards. (do I sound like a fortune cookie or what?)
Thanks to everyone who has left comments both here and on the pictures on flickr. You are all keeping me going when I get overwhelmed by this project. I wanted to respond to everyone, but like I said…I had a pretty busy day. But I read all the comments and love hearing what you all have to say!
love it! I love the way your using the designs on the fabrics 🙂
This is quilt is going to be amazing! Wow!! I love the unicorn and little rock wall – too cute!
This is just stunning! Well done. I love the wavy cutting around the tall tents.
so beautiful, amazing and subtle use of different prints
oh, rats! my comment seems to have been eaten. let's hope that i remember all of the gushing that i just did. 😉
when i saw your wip shot on flickr, i thought to myself, "dare i hope??" and then yes, yes i DO dare to hope!!! of course, there are many others out there who are daring to hope that this remarkably original piece is for them, too. 🙂 i was so happy to see that you are only a hop, skip, and a jump from me (i'm in prairieville, outside of b.r. and only about an hour away). i don't know if we have any modern quilt groups up this way, but i may just have to sneak down the road to one of your meetings!
Looks great! Cant wait to see the final quilt!
I allready gushed on flickr! it's coming on so well! brilliant!
Gorgeous, gorgeous! I liked your original sketch, but seeing it come to life is amazing. Thanks for sharing! Will you bring this to the Quilt Guild show & tell some time?
I'm bringing it to the guild meeting tonight! And Cathy, you should definitely hop on down…especially for our sewing days. We've just started up, but we're having sewing days that are about 4 hours long and that should be a worthwhile amount of time to hang out with other cool quilters. 😉
This is too fabulous for words! I love everything you added to the mini quilt! Cannot wait to see how you finish it up!
Wow! That is stunning! I love the mermaid swimming in the water.
ahhhh, angela! i would love to join y'all, but with 3 kiddos (almost 7, 5, and 2) that may be tough to make happen. 🙂 would you mind sending me the info on when + where you meet?? i may be able to sweet talk mimi + pops into helping me out! 😉
p.s. i pinky swear that i will not try and distract you with shouts of, "look, isn't that drew brees (or brad pitt? anderson cooper?)?!" while i snatch up your quilt and put it in my shirt!!!
Your Quilt is looking wonderful… All the best… I drop in almost everyday to have a look if you've done anything with it… 🙂
I sure hope I'm your DQS partner. Your mini quilt is truly awesome !!!
i just found your blog and im happy i did!
your work is amazing!
everything is so beautiful and this quilt ia amazing as well