Picket Fences – A New Quilt for Moda Bakeshop!

*the giveaway is now closed*

Picket Fences

I’m so excited to share my second Moda Bakeshop quilt! It’s appropriately (if not obviously) titled Picket Fences and I was thrilled to work with the fabric of one of my favorite set of designers, Sweetwater. Hometown is just fun and I loved searching through all of the names to find cities that are special to me.

Picket Fences

This particular quilt is being donated to a local fundraiser for a women’s center here in South Bend. I’m thrilled that it will be shared by someone who will both love it and who is willing to donate to charity. What a win-win for this sweet quilt.

And I’m also excited to have a lovely giveaway hosted by The Fat Quarter Shop! They are generously giving one reader a petite fat quarter set of Hometown. What a fantastic way to get a taste of this line.

Picket Fences

To enter to win this petite fat quarter bundle, I’d love if you went over to Moda Bakeshop and left me a comment on my quilt there.  Then come back here and leave me a comment that you left a comment there.

For those of who really want extra chances, I’d love any phone apps that you all can recommend. As you may have gathered from my previous post, I’m quite new to the smartphone world. I would love to know what I’m missing. So if you have a suggestion for one, that gives you an extra entry. Please leave it as a separate comment.

I know that not everyone has a fancy-dancy phone. So in lieu of an app recommendation, please feel free to share any other recommendations you have! lol I’ll let you all decide what that might be about. But let’s keep it clean. 😉 (Unless you’re Lynne and you’re going to suggest some Afternoon Delight).

170 thoughts on “Picket Fences – A New Quilt for Moda Bakeshop!”

  1. popped over to MBS…..I really just love this quilt to pieces! I cannot wait to try it…..and hometown is such a great line, I am really excited for this as a project for me!

  2. BTW – my 'fancy shmancy' phone is a Razr – it lets me answer the phone, make calls, take pictures (just in case) so you can see I haven't gotten into the new tech world. Good luck.

  3. I've got an OLD Blackberry so I don't have too much on it, but I couldn't tell you how many times I've used the Google Maps app on there. I also love the Pandora app on my iPad – any variety of music.

  4. Oh my gosh, Angela! That picket fence is the cutest thing ever!!! I have a quilt wall in my house where this quilt would look wonderful. It's an ingenious design. I read your directions and love the mix of techniques. (I left that in my comment there.)

    I'm eager to come back and read the app suggestions too.

  5. I went to the Moda Bake Shop and did some spreadin' of love. I love that it is a baby quilt. It's gonna be a hit! I especially love the quilting on the fence part!

  6. I like Angry Birds. My friend's little boy learned his alphabet by playing it. If you play Scrabble, the Scrabble dictionary application is pretty helpful too.

  7. I just got a 3G Blackberry (wow, don't I sound like I know what I mean?), and haven't tried any apps out yet, so can't provide any help in that area. Sorry! I'm just figuring this out myself. But I'll sure be back to see what others tell you.

  8. As for recommendation… We only just got a cell and it is far from fancy. I'm still trying to figure this one out so I am really quite of no help for you.
    I can tell you though an app that I did see… A confessional app made by a Catholic priest. It got mixed reviews.

  9. I love the bejeweled app, great game! FB, Flickr, blogger and iTrackBites (for anyone in WW, this is a great tracker!!) Love your quilt. Going over to comment and come back here now.

  10. I LOVE the app Words with Friends – it's so addicting. I have about 20 games going right now with various family and friends… and random people. Sometimes I use it on Facebook, too!

  11. I did not know you could have google reader on your phone! That is one app I just downloaded.

    I like Dragon Fly, Jewels Delux, Yahtz Me and Pinball Delux…along with Facebook and Kobo…oh and Jango.

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