This is part of an ongoing series of posts for The Super Mario Brothers Quilt Along I’m hosting here on my blog. You can join in at any time! You will find the links to all steps here. Please share your makes on Instagram with #supermariobrosquilt. Also please feel free to join the Super Mario Brothers Quilt Along Flickr Group. This post reviews the Star block, which you can find in the free quilt guide that you can download here.
Get my FREE Super Mario Brothers quilt guide
This free downloadable PDF quilt guide includes diagrams for each of the blocks in the Mario Quilt, as well as fabric requirements, color suggestions, and cutting directions.
Subscribe to my newsletter below and the quilt guide will be immediately ready to download. Note: Current subscribers can re-enter their email but won’t be double subscribed.
♪do do da do. Da do da do…do do da do do do da do do do♪
Ready? It’s Star time!
Oh that shiny yellow star. I can just see it gleaming elusively in the landscape as I desperately try to catch it. To know that for a brief period of time my Mario would become invincible and fast, destroying all the enemies all the way. Plus there is that cool color changing flashy thing he does and that music that increases your anxiety with each second warning you that your power will soon run out. Good times.
It’s Block #8 in our QAL and I’ll admit that other than cutting up the fabric and drawing my grid, I do not have this one started. But I don’t want to hold any of you back.
Once again, I’m blown away by YOUR serious creativity! Check out the BACK (can you believe this is the back?!) of Simone of Local Honey Crafts’ Mario Quilt. She created a huge Mario Kart Mario complete with gold coins. Can we say awesome?!
I come here for inspiration and eye candy and I always get it.
HI, there! Long time, no chat! I do love your star block. And that is a crazy cool Mario Kart!
Thanks for doing the Mario quilt along! I finally got everything and finished my first block! This is going to be a great present for my grandson 🙂
Hi there. I am new to your blog, but I just want to say how excited I am about this quilt! I found it about two weeks ago and just got the materials yesterday and today. Thanks for what you do!!
Found this link via Pinterest; thank you so much for making the grids available for personal use! My 8 yr old is going to love this quilt when I get it finished!!