It’s almost like being in Love!

*the giveaway is now closed*

Today just happens to be my 9th wedding anniversary.  In some ways, time has flown by and in other ways, I think it could be longer. 😉  We’ve been through a lot together and life can be crazy…but crazy is better than boring!

In the spirit of celebrating, I wanted to both finish up one giveaway and start another.

First off, is the winner of the Flurry layer cake from The Fat Quarter Shop.  I think it would have been cute if the lucky winner was number 9, but nope…it was # 50!

It's almost like being in Love

Who is Shelly!

(Remember we were celebrating Christmas then!)

It's almost like being in Love

Congrats to you Shelly!  I hope you enjoy that Christmas fabric.  Oh and I adore your email address.  I’m sort of jealous that it is not mine!  lol

But wait everyone, there is more!  I told you that we had a new sponsor coming and here she is!  It’s Brenda from Pink Castle Fabrics!

(ack! My computer is being weird and won’t let me put her pink castle logo in this thread…but you can see it in my sidebar.  You can’t miss it.  It’s the only Pink Castle over there. 😉  )

I just ordered the most luscious fabrics from Brenda!  Most of them were from the Newest Joel Dewberry line (quite possibly my favorite designer!) Heirloom.  Tell me that these are not sooo delicious!!

It's almost like being in Love

It's almost like being in Love

This man is killing me because that is not even all of the colorways in this collection!  Stop the madness!!  So many fabrics, so little time.

I also got some irresistible new fabrics from a line called Dazzle.  These are the basketweave prints.  Brenda has too many yummy fabrics!

It's almost like being in Love

So, Brenda has graciously agreed to do a giveaway of a Jelly Roll of…. well, you all voted….and the results were pretty interesting.  But hands down the clear winner was Little Apples!  So we will be doing a giveaway of Little Apples Jellyroll!  (but if you don’t prefer that line we might be able to twist Brenda’s arm into giving you the one that you voted for!)

It's almost like being in Love

So, given that it is my 9th wedding anniversary, this time I’d love to hear from you about something marriage-related.  A piece of advice that you live by… Your favorite way to celebrate an anniversary (Lynne I already know what you are going to say!)…  The song you danced to at your wedding…. (the title of the post is ours!).  Really anything about marriage!  Everyone has something to say on this subject, so this is obviously not only limited to married people.  lol.  We’re all full of opinions!

To enter the giveaway:
1.  Leave a marriage/anniversary/wedding related comment
2.  Run over to Brenda’s shop and leave a comment back here telling me your favorite item she has or what you would like to see her carry.


269 thoughts on “It’s almost like being in Love!”

  1. Happy Anniversary! We'll be celebrating our 11th next month. The best marriage advice I was ever given is to hold hands whenever you can. That little physical connection can mean a lot.

  2. Went to visit the Pink Castle. I love the dumb dots in charcoal – what a great neutral to have on hand. I also love the whole Heirloom line. Joel Dewberry is one of my favorites too. I made a really cute dress out of two of his Aviary 2 fabrics.

    Happy Anniversary!

  3. It took me twice – and really knowing myself to get it right. My advice? The best marriages are those where you love yourself first … only then can you really love another. Congratulations!

  4. Oh Happy Anniversary! I hope you both get to do something to celebrate.

    Marriage related ~ hmmmm not sure if this qualifies, but we just celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary ourselves on July 13th. How funny it's so close and the same year.

    This year we didn't do much to celebrate other than going to our favorite restaurant which takes us about 1 1/2 hrs to drive to. I felt like some old OLD couple you see in the comics or something when trying to decide where to go for their anniversary and sorting through their coupons. LOL Yep, we used the coupon for this place that was emailed to us for our anniversary. I'm sure anyone else would have too considering this place is $45+ each.

  5. I'm going to borrow the advice my BFF gave to one of our friends when he was best man at their wedding: "Sometimes, when you're married, even when you're right, you're wrong." (oh, and we had clown noses on our faces at the time too) 😀

    The first thing that struck me at the Pink Castle was the Newsprint fabric! Too cool!!

  6. Oh gosh, your taste is like mine. I just adore both Amethyst and Garnet Heirloom by Joel Dewberry lines. They are both just beautiful.

    I am VERY much hoping I'll be able to buy some too but I am just not sure. 🙁 I did post more but chose to delete the reason why I may not be able to buy any. You don't need a discussion about my reason here. LOL I'll behave just for you. Aren't you happy? 🙂 haha

  7. We were married the same year as you! We got engaged July 3rd, 2002 and were married 2 months later in September! Congrats and may you have many more!!

  8. I love the Joel Dewberry Heirloom fabrics. Mr. Mailman actually dropped off a box today with FQs of the entire line sent from Brenda (after I paid her of course)! I can't wait to get started on a project with them. The fabrics really are beautiful.

  9. Well, I get married at the end of September so I am reading all the advice with interest!! Fingers crossed for the Little Apples!!

  10. Happy Anniversary! My hubby and I celebrated our 5th just last month. We've been together for 8 though so it feels like longer.

    I agree on the Heirloom fabrics too…SO pretty! Especially the orange and blue colerway.

  11. My husband got in a disagreement last year about our wedding date. Turns out, we were both wrong! I hung our framed wedding invite by the front door so we have no excuse.

  12. I need Heirloom in the plum color way!! I wasn't super excited after seeing the online thumbnails, but seeing your pics makes me think I need some!

  13. I'll be getting married soon(ish) (I'm so tempted to just run off and do it) and the thing that has made this guy last above all others is that he and I aren't afraid to do something completely silly around each other…like steal my sock when I'm getting ready to go out and turn it into a sock puppet. 😉

  14. I'm slowly falling for Ta Dot by Michael Miller. I keep putting off buying some but I know that won't last long.

  15. Happy Anniversary! I'm getting married next year and I can't wait! I think we are starting to want to elope because things are getting sort of crazy with the families – lol – but we would never hear the end of it. As they say, it's about the marriage and not the wedding, but apparently that's only to us! =P 🙂

  16. My husband and I have been married for just 5 years, but boy have we been through a lot! We lost a child, he's been laid off more times than I can count, and we lost our house last year. But, we're still going strong. I tell him that on our 10th anniversary, I expect a big ole ring!

    I think Brenda should carry Sarah Jane! Thanks for the chance.

  17. I'm celebrating my 2nd anniversary next month so don't feel ready to give advice just yet – ask me in a few years! – but it's wonderful reading the comments and seeing so many people with so many years behind them!

    We danced to My Beloved Monster 🙂

  18. "Mawwige. Mawwige is what bwings us together today." Gotta love that line from Princess Bride! Great summertime movie.

  19. Happy Anniversary, and it was great to meet you last weekend! Laughter is what brought my husband and I together and keeps our marriage going. Be sure to have fun together!

  20. i just got married a month ago! congratulations to you! so far i don't have much advice since i'm freshly new at this.

    we danced to "I Can't Wait (be my wife)" by Runner Runner. it was so sweet – my husband sang the lyrics to me as we swayed with our eyes closed. 🙂

  21. We celebrated our 27th anniversary this year. We have been together longer than we were apart! Remember to always keep the two of you in the front. Happy Anniversary.

  22. The 6th of August is my 6th year anniversary. 🙂 I think that my best marriage advice is to always tell your spouse how much they mean to you and to be able to laugh, especially when there are arguments. Sometimes a laugh can be enough to cut through the tension. Congrats!

  23. I think one of the most important things I have discovered about marriage is to not take each other for granted. Having a child really turned our marriage upside down but now I feel like we are stronger than ever. More words of wisdom: let it go.

  24. Besides drooling over the Joel Dewberry fabrics, I love the seed catalog newsprint fabric. I have a weakness for typography on fabric.

  25. I am not married, but I'm at an age where lots of my peers are getting married and one lesson that I've learned (and hope I remember when the time is right) is that you need to focus a lot more on the marriage than on the wedding. People focus so much attention on one day and forget to work on building the things that make a marriage last a lifetime.

    On the Etsy shop, I really dig the Moda Crossweave bundles! It was hard to pick, though, she has a really good selection! I want some 1001 Peeps and some Heirloom and some Kaffe shot cotton!! Yummy yummy!

  26. Probably the number one thing that helps us keep our marriage going smoothly is being quick to apologize. It was really hard to learn that, let me tell you. But it's been worth it. Enjoy your anniversary!

  27. Happy Anniversary! My husband and I have been married for 4 years and have dated for 9. We started dating when I was 15! Anyways, our first dance at our wedding was sung by a local band and it was the song At Last. Such great memories!

  28. I jumped over to Pink Castle and I must say that the Fat Quarter bundles from Anthology really are tempting especially High Society!

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